High CPU 100C Degrees on PAR repair

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High CPU 100C Degrees on PAR repair

Postby mkrubsack » Wed May 22, 2019 7:34 pm

What options can I enable/disable to limit CPU usage. I have a i7-3820MQ and have no issues with it until Newsbin does a PAR repair. Then the usage goes to 100% and one core hits 100-102C and another core hits 98-ish C. Too hot for my liking. Once the PAR repair is done, the temps go back down. Is there anything I can change in Options, such as AutoPAR Options, or elsewhere? Under Performance I have Low Powered PC all checked, but no change to PAR causing CPU heating.
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Re: High CPU 100C Degrees on PAR repair

Postby Quade » Wed May 22, 2019 8:21 pm

If it was me, the first thing I'd do is fix the CPU cooling system so it doesn't overheat. This is a sign that your CPU cooling isn't cutting it. The CPU should "thermal throttle" when it gets to hot to prevent damage,

Of the top of my head, I was thinking the single core repair code might help but then again, it might mean that only one CPU gets hots. I'm not sure at this point. Maybe turn Newsbin's priority down?
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Re: High CPU 100C Degrees on PAR repair

Postby mkrubsack » Thu May 23, 2019 10:43 am

The CPU has been repasted and works fine. It is a ThinkPad and my normal idle temp is upper 40's. It never throttles except on PAR assembly. Then it goes through the roof. I am using ThrottleStop to undervolt it. My experimentation shows that the Options, Performance, Reduce the amount of the CPU that PAR... doesn't work on my machine. It goes straight to 100%.
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