Suggestion: NZB/File naming needs to be more consistent

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Suggestion: NZB/File naming needs to be more consistent

Postby mister_loaf » Thu Nov 04, 2021 6:15 pm

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe there is a better way to do it, but Newsbin's NZB handling/naming is very inconsistent and annoying.

As we all know, a lot of stuff is now "encrypted". Using Newsbin Search, I do a search for something and download it, but it is saved with the "encrypted" file name. For example, it might be saved as "05df31g51s65dfg41056sd4sdfg.mkv" which obviously is completely useless. So then I discovered that when I have Newsbin import NZB files, it saves the files using the name of the NZB.

So, I do a search, and for each file I want to download, I right-click and select "Create NZB", and I give it a sensible name. This is a bit tedious and annoying if I want to download several files because I have to do each one individually. But, it works. So, whatever.

Later, I drag my NZBs over my Newsbin NZB folder and Newsbin goes to work, imports all the NZBs, downloads everything and saves everything according to the names I gave to my NZB files. Works great . . . . . Except when it doesn't.

It appears that when Newsbin encounters an "encrypted" file it saves the file using my NZB name, but if the file is posted normally and not "encrypted" then Newsbin ignores my NZB name and just uses the name from the Usenet post.

For example, my NZB might be named "Person of Interest season 3 episode 16.nzb". If it is an "encrypted" file then Newsbin saves it using my NZB name. But if it isn't encrypted and just posted normally, Newsbin ignores my NZB name and saves it as person.of.interest.s03e16.1080p.bluray.x264-rovers".

It would be nice if things were more consistent. Do it one way or the other. Not both.
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Re: Suggestion: NZB/File naming needs to be more consistent

Postby Quade » Fri Nov 05, 2021 12:42 am

As you point out, it intentionally only changes the name if it appear to be obscured.

I'd probably have to make a new option if people want to rename every time. Most people want the proper name unless it's obscured.
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