getting newsbin to load nbi file at startup

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getting newsbin to load nbi file at startup

Postby haode » Mon Oct 25, 2021 5:38 pm

Hi everyone.

So I just moved my desktop system to windows 10 and attempted to move Newsbin with it. All my Newsbin data/download stuff is on a separate HDD than my main OS, so all the drive letters and so on should be precisely the same a before.

However, now every time I launch Newsbin I get the message: no newsbin server, and everything in the window is blank, with no data being loaded at all.

I can get everything to load properly, but only if I click on my NBI file and get newsbin to load that way.

I think I once knew how to do this but I have forgotten. How do I get the newsbin software to load that NBI file automatically each time on startup?

Thanks for your help.
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Re: getting newsbin to load nbi file at startup

Postby Quade » Tue Oct 26, 2021 10:31 am

What version are you using?

You ought to be able to double-click the NBI and Newsbin will start with that NBI. Then exit Newsbin to save the location in the registry. At that point you ought to be able to start Newsbin normally.

I'd verify the drive letters too. I wouldn't assume they remain the same between PC's.

Make sure you keep a backup copy of the NBI. Don't work off the original file.
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Re: getting newsbin to load nbi file at startup

Postby haode » Tue Oct 26, 2021 7:41 pm

I'm using 6.82.

I checked that NBI file and all the paths are correct.

I have been double clicking then quitting, but for whatever reason it hasn't been remembering the location of the NBI next time I run newsbin.

I just reinstalled the software to see if that corrects the issue.

Seems like that may have done the trick!

Will update you if anything changes.
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Re: getting newsbin to load nbi file at startup

Postby itimpi » Wed Oct 27, 2021 1:49 pm

You can also provide the .nbi file as a parameter at the time you launch Newsbin.
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