- Code: Select all
- Headers: Purge to display age crashes.
- Headers: Report that you can’t delete watch items. No Repro
- Display: Primary progress bar during download shows proportional colors for the number of chunks that download from a particular server. 2 equal servers at the same speed for example will split the bar 50/50. Shows red for download failures
- Display: File download progress bars now only show progress with no attempt at coloration.
- Display: Header downloads didn't use per server coloring.
- Display: On restart, existing header downloads show N files in the status for some reason. Should be zero.
- Display: Report that items marked old in watch list are marked new again when the watch updates. No repro.
- Display: Select a range and do something then use the Ctrl-Pg-download to select new stuff, it starts at the old start instead of the new start.
- Display: Watch topic properties, concerning "Look in Topic". a topic, say "Adult", is alphabetically sorted above "All Groups"
- Display: Download list reports Decode path instead of download path in the download path field. Maybe “Download Path” should simply be “Destination Path” or something.
- Download: Report that header DB’s that split the NZB Data from the header data (old format) can’t resolve.
- Download: When downloading, some NZB’s now have completely random names but no PAR files. To handle this it’s necessary to extract the filename from the subject in a specific way to make the download work. In order to avoid impacting normal downloads, it only works with RARS and 7z so, extraneous files won’t get renamed.
- NZB Files: Subjects that contain a \ or / cause problems with using “$(SUBJECT);”
- NZB Files: Have an NZB that force compacts when it shouldn’t.
- NZB Files: Post lists use same selective force compaction of NZB files as the download list. Meaning loading NZB's to the post list can work again with new obscured NZBs(Still not recommended)
- NZB Files: Obscured filenames with no pars but valid subject appears in the NZB subject. -subject="[PRiVATE]-[WtFnZb]-[blabla.s03e01.multi.1080p.web.h264-.sample.mkv]-[2/311] - "" yEnc 31080655 (1/61)
There's an installer bug when you do a fresh install. The server you entered isn't entered properly. The work around is to delete what the installer added and re-add the server. I found this too late and didn't want to hold up RC2 any longer.