Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

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Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby Quade » Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:09 am ... 2-5438.exe

Code: Select all
- Headers: Purge to display age crashes.
- Headers: Report that you can’t delete watch items. No Repro
- Display: Primary progress bar during download shows proportional colors for the number of chunks that download from a particular server.  2 equal servers at the same speed for example will split the bar 50/50. Shows red for download failures
- Display: File download progress bars now only show progress with no attempt at coloration.
- Display: Header downloads didn't use per server coloring.
- Display: On restart, existing header downloads show N files in the status for some reason. Should be zero.
- Display: Report that items marked old in watch list are marked new again when the watch updates. No repro.
- Display: Select a range and do something then use the Ctrl-Pg-download to select new stuff, it starts at the old start instead of the new start.
- Display: Watch topic properties, concerning "Look in Topic". a topic, say "Adult", is alphabetically sorted above "All Groups"
- Display: Download list reports Decode path instead of download path in the download path field. Maybe “Download Path” should simply be “Destination Path” or something.

- Download: Report that header DB’s that split the NZB Data from the header data (old format)  can’t resolve.
- Download: When downloading, some NZB’s now have completely random names but no PAR files. To handle this it’s necessary to extract the filename from the subject in a specific way to make the download work.  In order to avoid impacting normal downloads, it only works with RARS and 7z so, extraneous files won’t get renamed.

- NZB Files: Subjects that contain a \ or / cause problems with using “$(SUBJECT);”
- NZB Files: Have an NZB that force compacts when it shouldn’t.
- NZB Files: Post lists use same selective force compaction of NZB files as the download list.  Meaning loading NZB's to the post list can work again with new obscured NZBs(Still not recommended)
- NZB Files: Obscured filenames with no pars but valid subject appears in the NZB subject. -subject="[PRiVATE]-[WtFnZb]-[blabla.s03e01.multi.1080p.web.h264-.sample.mkv]-[2/311] - "" yEnc  31080655 (1/61)

There's an installer bug when you do a fresh install. The server you entered isn't entered properly. The work around is to delete what the installer added and re-add the server. I found this too late and didn't want to hold up RC2 any longer.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby wiggins09 » Wed Aug 25, 2021 10:15 am

Thanks Quade.
Coincidentally I found a scrambled names set to try - will let you know :wink:

Update - No cigar this time... :roll: :lol:
Awesome FREE file manager -
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby Quade » Wed Aug 25, 2021 10:54 am

I'm aware of one format that doesn't work. The output of the RAR contains a file with no extension. All the other's I've tested which are <bla bla bla>.mkv from NZB and fed directly to the download list rename properly.

If you don't feed directly to the download list, rename isn't going to work.

If you want me to look at it, just email the NZB and I'll check it out.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby Valsidur » Wed Aug 25, 2021 10:43 pm

Hopefully I am posting in the right spot...

One quirk that has showed up since Beta 2 (first upgrade since 6.81) is files with a PAR always get moved with a folder created in the root download directory. They initially download into the specified directory, but once it processes the par file, they get moved down the download root directory.

Main Download Folder: E:\Newsbin\

Music groups are under a GOG, path set to E:\Newsbin\Lossless\

Path for subgroups I have tried to not set, hard set, symbol set. The initial files from the music groups go into the specified folder but once the par is processed they go into the Main Download Folder. Downloading single files without the Par get set into the correct folder.

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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby Quade » Thu Aug 26, 2021 2:24 pm

Are you using beta 2 or RC2? There have been significant changes in that area since B2.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - Speed Limiter issue(s)

Postby ccarlin » Thu Aug 26, 2021 6:22 pm

Speed Limiter doesn't appear to be working correctly. Data:

. have a 23-24 MB cable connection (practically error free) - throttled by my internet provider with very little throughput variation.
. Newsbin throughput is always the max throughput of the cable connection (thank-you).
. no other network traffic running.
. Both RC1 and RC2 appear to behave the same.
. Network Speed Limiter Properties has a max setting of 25 MB, which is higher than my max throughput
. Set the limit to 25 MB and enable the limiter - Newsbin reported throughput drops to between 6-10 MB (doesn't appear to be any pattern to the speed - it jumps around within this range)
. Set the limit to 12.6 MB and enable the limiter - same performance of between 6-10 MB.
. Set the limit to 5 MB and Newsbin reports 4-6 MB throughput (avg'ing about 5, as desired).
. Changing the setting while running doesn't appear to be any different then setting the limiter, exiting Newsbin, and then restarting.

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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby stavros » Fri Aug 27, 2021 9:49 am

Hi Quade,

thanks for fixing the server colours. I haven't needed to use the fill server yet, but the normal use looks fine :-)

Also, the header import filters seem to be working again - many thanks :-) - loading of headers is back to normal for me, although,
subjectively, it seems to be a little slower than with 6.82 - I'll keep an eye on this and report back. It might be related to the increase
in size of the import file chunks - used to be max of about 25MB per file, but now it has gone up to double that.
It looks like the number of headers per import file have gone from 100,000 to 200,000 ?

I have noticed that when d/l obfuscated NZBs, via drag-n-drop into the watch folder, the d/l and extract seem to work fine,
but the PAR2 that is d/l seems to be chosen at random, when I believe that it should be the smallest one,
with the rest paused and only d/l if needed.

I have also noticed, while investigating the above, that the sorting by size of a loaded NZB (via Load NZB icon) seems
to be broken. It doesn't sort the files when I click the size column - and the .PAR2 files are presented grouped together
at the bottom of the list, but not in size (or alphabetic) order. I don't know if that is related to the above.

The presentation of the contents of an NZB loaded via the Load NZB icon seems to have changed - and may be the cause
of the sorting issue above. I think that in 6.82, when an NZB was loaded via the icon, the contents of the NZB were loaded as individual entries,
but without being grouped as an expandable set of headers, as is now happening with 6.90RC2.
Indeed, none of the sorting works - size, date-time, poster...(although sorting of normal headers in a group or GOG seems fine).
Would it be possible to put the NZB loaded via the Load NZB icon presentation back to the way it was before, please?

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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby Quade » Fri Aug 27, 2021 11:05 am

but the PAR2 that is d/l seems to be chosen at random, when I believe that it should be the smallest one,
with the rest paused and only d/l if needed.

It really depends on how the files are obscured. Some don't even have extensions so PAR order becomes pretty random. I already have an action item to look at obscured PAR order but in come cases, there's no fixing it.

You've never been able to sort inside the grouping. I loaded up an NZB with multiple sets in it and had no issue with sorting between sets of files.

Yes the display of NZB's now works the same as loading to the download list. That's because people insisted on using the "Load NZB" to download. The only way that can work reliably is to force group obscured files.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby Quade » Fri Aug 27, 2021 11:07 am

Speed Limiter doesn't appear to be working correctly.

I'll check it out. Thanks.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby stavros » Fri Aug 27, 2021 6:52 pm

Quade wrote:
You've never been able to sort inside the grouping. I loaded up an NZB with multiple sets in it and had no issue with sorting between sets of files.


Yes the display of NZB's now works the same as loading to the download list. That's because people insisted on using the "Load NZB" to download. The only way that can work reliably is to force group obscured files.

This is what causes a problem for me as it removes my ability to sort the contents of a single NZB when loaded via "Load NZB".
I use this a lot. For instance, until you can look at and fix the random choice of an PAR2, I would load the NZB, sort by size, then only select the entries that I needed, assuming that there would be no failures (there rarely are).
With the ability to sort removed, it is harder to find the right entries to select. I understand that perhaps doing it this way is not the best way to use Newsbin features, but it works for me.

In my use case of a single NZB loaded at a time, there is no need to force group the obscured files - the NZB has done that for you.
And, with the settings of placing the unrar'd results into a folder based on the NZB filename, it is easy to know what is what and manually rename stuff if needed.

Also, the scope of this change affects ALL NZBs when loaded, whether they contain obfuscated entries or not - there are lots of NZBs where the contents are not obfuscated and the ability to sort is very useful.
Example NZB sent.

Please consider removing the forced grouping and re-enabling the sort functionality for this use case, or at least, make it optional.

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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby jcthorne » Sat Aug 28, 2021 8:52 am

Thanks Quade. DL and running now. Much looking forward to the updates.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby Quade » Mon Aug 30, 2021 11:19 pm

Please consider removing the forced grouping and re-enabling the sort functionality for this use case, or at least, make it optional.

I drag and dropped your NZB set into the download list. It downloaded them grouped, downloaded a single PAR2 and then unrared them all into the unrar folder. Seemed to work perfectly to me. When I loaded the same NZB into the post list it was still grouped and the PARS were grouped at the bottom, where you want them.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby stavros » Tue Aug 31, 2021 5:35 am

Quade wrote:
Please consider removing the forced grouping and re-enabling the sort functionality for this use case, or at least, make it optional.

I drag and dropped your NZB set into the download list. It downloaded them grouped, downloaded a single PAR2 and then unrared them all into the unrar folder. Seemed to work perfectly to me. When I loaded the same NZB into the post list it was still grouped and the PARS were grouped at the bottom, where you want them.

Hi Quade,

I agree that it works fine if all you want to do is download everything in an NZB, but I don't.

My issue with the example un-obfuscated NZB is that it's contents are unordered and I need to be able to sort it so that I can identify duplicates entries (same thing but in different formats) and also to more easily
de-select stuff to NOT download. That includes the option to not automatically downloading everything in the NZB including the PAR2, that would then recreate the NOT
downloaded stuff as part of the recovery process.

Please try identifying duplicates and only downloading 4 or 5 different sub-sets of entries out of the 300 - 400 randomly ordered entries in the NZB with 6.90RC2,
then repeat that process multiple times across multiple NZBs.
It is much more difficult and time consuming in 6.90RC2 than in any of the other previous betas and 6.82, to the extent that it is practically impossible.

With the change you have implemented, you have removed the pre-existing, and useful, functionality that allowed me to sort the contents of an NZB..

As I said in my previous post, the scope of the change to fix obfuscated NZBs affects ALL NZBs.

This seriously reduces the usefulness of Newsbin 6.90RC2, for me, at least.

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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby kenr » Tue Aug 31, 2021 6:09 am

Feature request.
Better handling of music files. At the mo we only have artist/album type handling. Could you add in support for the unraring of ones that include CD's so we have {Album}/CD}/{track #1}-Artist-title because at the moment a multi cd one is all unrared/unpacked into the same folder making it hard to separate out
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby Quade » Tue Aug 31, 2021 11:02 am

The issue with applying ID3 mode post unrar is that RARs typically already have their own internal format. So ID3 mode could mess that up.

Just adding another ID3 tag to the current support shouldn't be a problem. I'm going to investigate the current behavior and then consider changes.

Stavros, You've convinced me that I should remove the forced compaction. Anyone who's actually loading NZB's to look at doesn't need it. The question might be should I remove all compaction so, you see raw mode version of the NZB with each file pulled out?
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby stavros » Tue Aug 31, 2021 12:38 pm

Quade wrote:Stavros, You've convinced me that I should remove the forced compaction. Anyone who's actually loading NZB's to look at doesn't need it.

Hi Quade,

Thank you.

I'm happy for you to leave it in, if it is optional - I just can't use it as it is.

Quade wrote:The question might be should I remove all compaction so, you see raw mode version of the NZB with each file pulled out?

I'm not sure what this means?

The only thing I can compare this to is how 6.82 currently presents an NZB loaded via the 'Load NZB' - with which I am happy as it lets me
sort the contents of an NZB by size, date and subject (etc.) and select a sub-set for downloading to a directory based on the $(NZBFILE)
Download folder for NZB files = F:\DL\_NZBs\$(NZBFILE)\
UnRAR folder = F:\DC\$(NZBFILE)\$(GOG)\$(GROUP)\

When you say "all compaction", do you mean an even lower level of detail than what 6.82 presents? If so, then probably not.
I still want to be able to easily handle/manipulate the contents of an NZB.

In the example NZB I sent, in 6.82, I get one subject line per book - if each one of those book subject lines was presented as multiple lines,
I could live with it, but it would be better I think, if all the detail per book subject remained grouped together - unless you mean to present that lower level of detail as
a rolled up/compacted entry, with a plus (+) sign as an expandable group of entries for each book subject line?

It is unlikely that I would need to manipulate the NZB entries that contribute to making up an individual book subject line,
mainly because I've not had that level of detail available in Newsbin for a long time and haven't missed it :-)

The only time I can think of that it might be useful is if there are NZBs that are comprised of multiple sets of files, each with their own sets of PAR2 files,
basically just a mixed bag of sets of files stuck in an NZB - not something i've seen for some years now - although they might be created by a Newsbin user
via the 'create NZB from Posts' functionality.....

Anyway, sorry for blathering on about this.

Thanks for all your good work.

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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby Quade » Tue Aug 31, 2021 1:20 pm

Normal compaction still applies even if I'm not forcing the compaction. So, a rar set with related filenames will get combined together. Your specific example was sort of an oddball case where the contents were rars but not related by name. I'll just disable force compaction when you load to the top list but leave regular compaction alone.

You understand that the PARS are kinda useless if you just pick a subset of the files though right? I mean, Newsbin can check the files with only the small PAR but can't repair and/or generate missing files unless you download at least 90% of the files. For files this small it might not matter.

With files this small, I tend to just download them all and clean out the ones I don't want. It allows PAR to repair any damaged or missing files.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby stavros » Tue Aug 31, 2021 4:22 pm

Normal compaction still applies even if I'm not forcing the compaction. So, a rar set with related filenames will get combined together. Your specific example was sort of an oddball case where the contents were rars but not related by name. I'll just disable force compaction when you load to the top list but leave regular compaction alone.

Thanks Quade, sounds good.

You understand that the PARS are kinda useless if you just pick a subset of the files though right? I mean, Newsbin can check the files with only the small PAR but can't repair and/or generate missing files unless you download at least 90% of the files. For files this small it might not matter.

Yes, I do, thanks. I don't use the PARs at all for this type of thing, as I generally don't want newsbin to attempt to repair missing files that I have deliberately NOT downloaded, for whatever reason :-)

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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby depredador » Thu Sep 02, 2021 10:12 pm

When I did manual download using Sonarr newsbin downloaded two files but the Sonarr log shows only one file was downloaded :?
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby Quade » Fri Sep 03, 2021 11:39 am

The question is what was in the NZB sonarr sent to Newsbin. I imagine it could have contained anything. You could look for the NZB in the nzb's folder of the data folder. Maybe it might tell you something.

I assume Sonarr is assuming one file per NZB but that's just a guess.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby depredador » Sat Sep 04, 2021 12:30 am

I figured it out. It is downloading the sample too for some reason. In some cases it is downloading the sample only so I'll have to switch back to 6.82.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby Quade » Sat Sep 04, 2021 12:56 am

If you can find the specific NZB in the NZB's folder in the data folder and email it to me. I'll check it out.

Sample file shouldn't gate the larger file download.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby depredador » Sat Sep 04, 2021 1:18 am

Quade wrote:If you can find the specific NZB in the NZB's folder in the data folder and email it to me. I'll check it out.

Sample file shouldn't gate the larger file download.

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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby Quade » Sat Sep 04, 2021 1:53 pm

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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby kenr » Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:27 am

It doesn't seem to be removing par's after downloading music files. Individual files not rar's. Header download if it makes a difference.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby mister_loaf » Mon Sep 06, 2021 8:54 am

What's with all the extra folders left behind? After downloading and extracting a bunch of stuff from various binaries groups, my extract directory contains all the stuff I want, but also contains lots of empty folders:

Decode Copy (1)
Decode Copy (2)
Decode Copy (3)
Decode Copy (4)
Decode Copy (5)
.... etc.

This is new to RC2. Never saw this before.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC2 - build 5438

Postby Quade » Mon Sep 06, 2021 10:53 am

If it finished an unrar then attempts to copy the files to the actual final folder and it finds files already in that folder that match the filenames of the new files, it won't copy them in and overwrite the older files.

This happens when you download and unrar to the same folder. So I'd suggest looking in these folders and see what you see in there. I expect you'll find complete unrars what would collide with older files already in the download folder.

Before it would rename files in the final destination folder but then you don't end up with a complete set of files. Some older files would have been renamed out of the way.
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