Filter Database Corruption?

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Filter Database Corruption?

Postby Lee Thompson » Wed Jun 30, 2021 4:37 pm

I am not sure when this exactly happened so I'm not sure if it was a particular beta update or not, I'm only posting this in case it happens to someone else.

I noticed when viewing groups, while the filters appeared in the dropdowns and so forth they didn't seem to be working properly.

The problem turned out to be my filters.db3 had gotten corrupted at some point (so newsbin's log claimed, I was actually able to open it in a sqlite database tool; but it was missing information). Since the *file* was actually readable, something caused data to be dropped from the file.

None of this is concrete or known enough to make this a bug report, it's more of a FYI.

I would like to ask that maybe among the other database files newsbin makes a backup of, filters.db3 should be one of them.

(For the devs: I do have the 'corrupted' db3 file still, I basically started a new one and redid all my filters and it's working well enough now.)
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Re: Filter Database Corruption?

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 01, 2021 10:17 am

Newsbin doesn't back up DB files because they're supposed to be inherently robust. I can check to make sure the Filter DB is set for maximum protection though. It might be set for maximum speed which isn't as protected.

It's probably not a bad idea to backup the files in the base data-folder. I probably wouldn't backup any of the subfolders.
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