Beta 3 download change

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Beta 3 download change

Postby megalomando » Mon Apr 08, 2019 1:51 pm


I like to try betas & see if I find anything unexpected to report & I did with this last release.

If I select a NZB, it now immediately starts downloading into a default folder. I tried clearing the "Download folder for downloads from NZB files and it automatically starts downloading into the main download folder. The selected NZB files do not show on the bar above for me to select which to use and then make a unique folder for them. I often select several of something I'm looking for and then when I have them on the taskbar, I select the size of file or characteristic of one of the options and then download that one into a specific folder. It was working perfectly in the last version.

Is this a bug, have I missed a switch to make or do I need to revert back to an earlier version. This is not workable for me, as it is now.

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Re: Beta 3 download change

Postby Quade » Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:40 am

If you add "$(NZBFILE)" to the download and/or unrar path, the NZB Filename will be included in the download.


like this.
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Re: Beta 3 download change

Postby megalomando » Tue Apr 09, 2019 1:21 am

Hi, I'm not following that, maybe we're talking two different things. I had to go back to 6.81, what I was experiencing is too unfriendly. My issue wasn't that the NZB Filename was included in the download. It's that if I clicked on a NZB file, it would immediately download to the default directories. That is unworkable unless I want to do a whole lot of housekeeping after I download.

To show you what has always been how Newsbin works, here's a screenprint of NZB files of two tunes in Newsbin:

There are eight files under wildwood flower and seven of Black Mountain Rag. I have not downloaded any of them but they are showing on the same line the groups list is on. What I would do to choose the one I want is right click on it and then save it with a name in the default folder or I would choose a different folder. Either way, I can load many NZB without downloading any and then pick & choose under each tab.

With the new beta (and this on two different computers) when I click on a nzb file, it immediately downloads to the default folder and does not show as a tab nor show the different options above, like the seven options showing in Black Mountain Rag.

Is the new way designed to automatically download everything in a NZB file when you click on that nzb file?

That is how beta 3 is working on two computers so it's not just this computer. Going back to the last stable release restored the way it has been for years now and all is normal.
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Re: Beta 3 download change

Postby UPdown » Tue Apr 09, 2019 2:28 pm


I think Quade is pointing to the Options|Setup tab fields for naming NZB subfolders from where you can deal with them. Here's MY fillins for the Download Folder for Downloads from NZB Files (second from top), I have G:\xNewsBin\NZBdls\$(NZBFILE)\

Now, what happens is that I drag a bunch of NZB files to Newsbin and it deposits the finished downloads into subfolders by extracted filename sub folder, doing de-obfuscation along the way. So, if I send it XYZZZZZ.NZB it extracts XYZZZZZ as a subfolder in NZBdls and then decides what to rename it ... say JerryGarciaGreatest10 and then the files inside are sometimes deobfuscated and occasionally not. But there's little upkeep compared to past years.

If you search elsewhere here for posts by me, you can find batch files and a standalone program that clean up any leftover detritus, unzip any files that are still in 7z mode and then rename the files and bring them to the NZBdls folder. The latter is an AHK file that I've turned into an EXE. It's pretty specific, but it does the job of turning any leftover obfuscated files into the name of the folder they are in. Happens maybe 10 percent of the time and that ratio is dropping as Quade gets better algorithms in place.

For me, upkeep is clicking three buttons in sequence and having a folder full of what I wanted, obfuscation be damned.

But it starts with properly named sub-folders in your download settings.
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Re: Beta 3 download change

Postby megalomando » Mon Apr 15, 2019 1:05 pm

Hi uptown,

Unfortunately the screenshot you posted didn't come through, it just shows the drive path from G: to the file, so I don't have the visual.

What has always been for me has been perfect: I spend 10-15 minutes choosing things of interest; making a nzb, downloading the nzb which I name (or if I don't name, it is the name I used in the NZB web search), clicking on the download tab which by default loads it into Newsbin. I then I go with just that one or I select other options and do the same procedure.

Then I go to Newsbin and see however many tabs there were generated (like the Black mountain rag & wildwood flower shown in my screenshot). Maybe there are 20 tabs, but they have the individual files and the group files like 6 different options of "The visitor from under the rock", each with the par files.

I organize them by size as they all are the same and lets say I choose the smallest one; I click on that, it opens to the default directory, I type in the name for the folder it goes into and hit enter. It now downloads that one file into that folder. If I selected multiple files, the one at the top of the list starts first. If there is a problem with that file, I right click on it & delete it & Newsbin goes to work on the next one. Assuming it is downloading fine, I delete the other larger ones and then go above to the next tab and repeat the procedure. I'll do that with all the different items I'd selected and they all download into the folders I had named at the end of the process.

I now look and see if there were any failures & if so, the tab containing the different multiples is still there so I choose another file I hadn't first tried and use that into the directory that is now formed. When Newsbin completes its work, it deletes all the un-needed rar & par files so there is no manual cleanup I have to do.

So everything is done in a group of steps:

1. go to the web, to make nzb files of each specific item I want to download.

2. pick multiples or just one item & name the NZB file and choose to download that nzb.

3 click on that nzb tab at the bottom of the browser showing the nzb was downloaded & this loads it into Newsbin & that file, or files, is placed in sequence on that horizontal tab line (for lack of the accurate wording). If this is the first NZB I click on, it starts Newsbin which I then usually minimize. If not & Newsbin is already running, Newsbin does not pop up every time I click on a new nzb file, everything is silently entered as work to do in Newsbin.

4. When done making NZB files on the web, I maximize Newsbin and for me, going from left to right, I click on the named tabs which places their contents on display in the subject field above and I choose which individual or groups of files I want to download, I highlight the ones I want, right click on them and choose to load into an existing folder. I either navigate to that folder or I go to where i want to save that item and type a name in the data entry window, hit enter and Newsbin creates the directory as I named it and I forget about it & go to the next NZB tab and repeat the process.

5. I'm done; there's no cleanup needed, Newsbin does that for me, every file is in the directory I wanted it to go to and has the proper name.

Some people might want to have all music or video files together in one big file and all the above is too much work. For me, it's far more wieldy to have everything in their own folders and kept in the classifications I want. I use Musicbee to play music and it indexes all the files in an area I define and then I can choose by artist, album, name of song, genre, whatever, so it doesn't care if the items are in folders or not. I still like them in folders.

So what I have tried explaining is that Newsbin has for the last 17 years for me, done as I've described above. With this last Beta, everything changed and when I do stage #2 above, it downloads those files into newsbin immediately and Newsbin immediately processes those files and puts them in the default folder. All of the files... Music, video, it doesn't matter, all of them. That is a mess to deal with later.

I can't believe that is what is supposed to happen, it is chaos and unlike what was. Returning to the last release from the beta restored what has been.

I posted the OP to let the developers know what I found happening with the beta, if this is now the expected way for Newsbin to work, I'm surprised and will not do any further upgrades. I was writing to inform, not to complain.
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Re: Beta 3 download change

Postby Quade » Mon Apr 15, 2019 2:59 pm

Makes me wonder if you're using the actual latest beta then. The latest beta has reverted the behavior so "Load NZB" from the main window will will open them into tabs. There's another option which controls whether they get loaded into a single tab or multiple.

There's an option in the NZB options which controls whether the downloads go to the download list directly or to a tab when double-clicked or drag and dropped too. I tested this in B4 and the behavior is the same as prior to B2.

You might want to revisit the NZB options and make sure it's not set to automatically download the NZB's.
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Re: Beta 3 download change

Postby UPdown » Mon Apr 22, 2019 9:05 am


I drag and drop NZB's onto the Download List rather than automating them (I can achieve the same thing by double-clicking on a NZB file from Windows file manager). I understand that some of the automation you've described leads to multiple tabs opening rather than simply listing the downloading files as they do so. I also keep Failed Files open, as well as logging. To see the finished files, I use Windows file manager to do so. Seems right to me. The opening of multiple tabs, with diminishing widths in the Download List sees contrary to the goal you want to achieve, which is to see/run the files you've downloaded. That, to me, is the job of a file manager. YES, I have to do some post-operating collecting of the files into one folder to make it easier for me, but I used NB for many years without even that much automating. Using NewsBin as a de facto file manager, even if Quade and company have provided you with that capability, seems more hammer, nail and thumb to me.

I think of the 240 tabs I have open in Pale Moon (Firefox derivative) and another 30 in Google Chrome Portable and I think how DIFFICULT tabs are rather than just a detailed list of files in my file manager. I've seen vertical tab add-ons for both, but none are REALLY like a detailed list, sortable by Name, Age, Modification Date, Extension, Size, etc. I can't understand ANY desire to use tabs if a file manager is available to do the same thing.

As far as your wish to inform of a decision to not continue with the newest version of NB, that's a personal decision that I can't argue with. My personal file manager of choice added a Microsoft Ribbon interface a couple of years back and as much as i interacted with the developer over the years, I told him I couldn't support that decision. I had too much time invested in the toolbars I had created. So, I stopped my 'lifetime' subscription and am now two major revisions behind. And I don't care. That is, I can NOT care until I'm forced into upgrading to Windows 10 some time in the next 14 months. Turns out, MY version of the file manager won't work under Win10. Just another reason to hate it. But, that's the price I pay for exercising my right NOT to like a change in software I use. I'm on my seventh Anti-Virus, third firewall, sixth backup software and so on and so on. Some change I accept. Some I don't. Just like you.

But honestly, if you can work around this issue with Quade's always available help (Quade's one of the most receptive developers I've dealt with ... and that's WITHOUT him already invoking filters that have an "reject if already downloaded" condition available to go with Accepts and Rejects), you might find the change works BETTER for you or that the ability to freeze the feature set really actually IS in there.

I know describing what YOU see can be frustrating to both ends of a conversation. But keep trying.
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