NBP v6.81 build 5080 causes windows 7 intermitant freezes

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NBP v6.81 build 5080 causes windows 7 intermitant freezes

Postby kyote » Sat Mar 16, 2019 7:05 pm

I have Win... crap uh my signature will give my specs.

This computer is pretty new. I bought it last may. It runs everything.

I recently remembered Usenet and decided to get back into newsgroups. I used to use alt.computer to help teach me how to fix things as well as to help others fix their problems. I had bought Newsbin Pro way way waayyy back. lol I used a combination of Agent and NBP and I never had a problem with NBP.

Now however, every time I start NBP up my system becomes sluggish. It intermittently freezes. Actually it intermittently unfreezes would be a better description. It acts as if my processor is majorly busy. But when I open my task manager and click on 'Show Processes from all Users' then organize by cpu it show System Idle Process at the top with vsmon.exe at 17% pretty consistently. Yet clicking on things in NBP result in a 2-8 second delay before it actually highlights/selects what I clicked on. The sluggishness affects NBP mostly, but, it does spill over to my OS. I double click on a small AVI file to play and it takes 10-20 seconds before it opens my vlc player and starts playing the video file.

I'm stumped. Though admittedly I have not tried much to resolve the problem. With Task Manager showing me that there should not be a problem I figured I'd come here and see if this is a known problem? Any help would be great appreciated.
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Re: NBP v6.81 build 5080 causes windows 7 intermitant freeze

Postby Quade » Sun Mar 17, 2019 12:00 pm

It could be a couple things like security software or slow hard disks. If you look down at the "cache" like do you see a number in parens?

"Cache:400/400 "(XXX)"

The XXX represents headers being imported. If you downloaded a bunch of headers it might take awhile for them to import. When they're importing on my machine, I don't even notice. If that's what's causing you machine to stall, you might try telling any security software to ignore the Newsbin data folder. You can find the data folder by selecting "Open Data Folder" from the options.
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Re: NBP v6.81 build 5080 causes windows 7 intermitant freeze

Postby kyote » Sun Mar 17, 2019 6:49 pm

Okay, and thank you for trying to help Quade. I really appreciate it. Mine shows

Cache: 400/400 (0)

I'll try to attach a screenshot.
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My main drive(C:) is an ssd(SATA). That's what my OS is installed on. I installed NBP to my D: drive which is a standard ATA ... lol You know what, I'll just include a Speccy report since that will tell you far more than I can.

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I'm not 'computer illiterate'. I'm pretty good with computers in general. So if you need some info please ask. I used to fix computers for folks, as a hobby and as a job. Most system slow down can usually be attributed to spyware/malware. Or at least it could back when I was fixing other peoples problems. I'm the only one that uses my computer and I live alone. My computer has no malware/spyware and it's virus free. At least, as far as Avast, Spybot S&D, Malwarebytes and Superantispyware can determine.

Edited: Well crap.. I apparently can't post links. What is registering? I've bought NBP and I'm a registered forum member.
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Re: NBP v6.81 build 5080 causes windows 7 intermitant freeze

Postby kyote » Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:01 pm

Whoa WHOA hold the presses... The problem is GONE. It was not NBP having a problem... I think. lol

I restarted my computer. That's it. BOOM problem gone.

I'm not sure whats going on but at least my NBP is working fine.

Thank you for trying to help. I'm going to try getting help in alt.computer. It seems to be something to do with waking the computer from Sleep mode. Usually when I get off my computer I put it to sleep, instead of shutting it down. I even have it set to sleep after no activity for a while. But something on my computer apparently doesn't like that. I haven't been able to determine what is causing it. But NBP seems to have a serious issue with it. Could someone chime in with an idea or two for me to look into based on the info I've already given?

Anyway, thanks for helping me.
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Re: NBP v6.81 build 5080 causes windows 7 intermitant freeze

Postby Quade » Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:54 pm

ATA and not SATA? An ATA hard drive has to be really old these days.
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Re: NBP v6.81 build 5080 causes windows 7 intermitant freeze

Postby kyote » Mon Mar 18, 2019 2:38 am

Thanks for the reply Quade. Shame my links didn't work but here is a better description of my secondary hard drive.


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   Manufacturer   SAMSUNG
   Business Unit/Brand   Desktop
   Model Capacity For This Specific Drive   1TB
   Heads   16
   Cylinders   121,601
   Tracks   31,008,255
   Sectors   1,953,520,065
   SATA type   SATA-II 3.0Gb/s
   Device type   Fixed
   ATA Standard   ATA8-ACS
   Serial Number   S246J9AB204384
   Firmware Version Number   1AJ10001
   LBA Size   48-bit LBA
   Power On Count   6698 times
   Power On Time   1712.5 days
   Speed   7200 RPM
   Features   S.M.A.R.T., APM, AAM, NCQ
   Max. Transfer Mode   SATA II 3.0Gb/s
   Used Transfer Mode   SATA II 3.0Gb/s
   Interface   SATA
   Capacity   931 GB
   Real size   1,000,204,886,016 bytes
   RAID Type   None
         Status   Good
         Temperature   26 °C
         Temperature Range   OK (less than 50 °C)

Sorry for the confusion. It's ATA but not IDE. It connects to my mainboard via a SATA cable. Additionally it's a new hard drive. Well, newer. About 1-2yrs old.

My primary drive is as follows:

232GB Western Digital WDC WDS250G2B0A-00SM50 ATA Device (SATA (SSD))

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WDC WDS250G2B0A-00SM50 ATA Device (SSD)
   Manufacturer   Western Digital
   Form Factor   GB/2.5- to 3.5-inch adapter
   Interface/Connector   ATA/66 with 40-pin IDE connector
   Heads   16
   Cylinders   30,401
   Tracks   7,752,255
   Sectors   488,392,065
   SATA type   SATA-III 6.0Gb/s
   Device type   Fixed
   Serial Number   180663801604
   Firmware Version Number   X61130WD
   LBA Size   48-bit LBA
   Power On Count   824 times
   Power On Time   205.3 days
   Speed   Not used (SSD Drive)
   Features   S.M.A.R.T., APM, NCQ, TRIM, SSD
   Max. Transfer Mode   SATA III 6.0Gb/s
   Used Transfer Mode   SATA III 6.0Gb/s
   Interface   SATA
   Capacity   232 GB
   Real size   250,059,350,016 bytes
   RAID Type   None
         Status   Good
         Temperature   30 °C
         Temperature Range   OK (less than 50 °C)

I hope this clears that much up at least.
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1
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Re: NBP v6.81 build 5080 causes windows 7 intermitant freeze

Postby Quade » Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:04 am

As long as I know it's SATA. That's what matters. I have drives that age too.

I'm not really sure what to tell you at this point. It doesn't sound like Newsbin is doing anything. It's just a standard windows application. During repair or unrar, I'd expect load on your disk system but not when it's doing nothing. You have no headers queued up. The machine is pretty new.

At this point, I think any issue is going to end up being something oddball. I might completely remove any non-Microsoft security software, reboot, then try again. Then re-install the security software bit by bit till you find something that causes problems. Typically weird issues like this end up being related to non-Microsoft security software.
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