Did a change in handling NZB files happen?
In the past I could configure (install) NBP that way, that a launched NZB file from a file manager directly startet the download in NBP (Downloading Files window).
Since I use/used NZB to get postings that I missed or deleted, NBP would filter this downloads because they were already loaded in the past.
I asked here in the newbie section what to do so I could load NZB without NBP automatically filterin them.
I got the answer to use the load NZB menueentry. That way the NZB content goes to a selctionwindow and I can select, what I want an bypass the Filter. That worked.
Well, I do not know since what version this may be changed, but when I now use the menue to load NZB the content goes straight to the Downloading Files window and starts, without me beeing able to select something.
Am i right? did you change the behavior or what do I make wrong?
Right now I am at NBP 6.82B1 Build 5088.