dexter wrote:If you have an unlimited search subscription, you can configure a watch list against our search database and it'll automatically download files that show up matching your search criteria and put them into whatever folder you want based on the search string if you want. If your subscription is not unlimited, you'll want to back off the frequency that Newsbin checks for new content or you'll blow through your 500 monthley search limit in a matter of days. If you want to switch from standard search to unlimited, I can take care of that for you, our control panel currently does not support that.
Thanks...I have an unlimited subscription, but I think I'm not communicating what's going on effectively. The problem is the folder and search strings and a ?new? trend of a lot of content on usenet being posted with some obfuscated filenames and subjects. I made a screenshot to illustrate the problem that I'm having along with some of the other posters who have posted about this: can see the watch parameters that I have set up there, along with how it got pulled in, in terms of the directory name and file names. You can also see the search results if you search for that hash-like filename - the search result has the episode number and whatnot, but that's not being pulled into the download - which leaves me not knowing what any of the downloaded results are without going and searching for each downloaded filename and manually renaming things. It seems like just about everything I have watches set up for is coming in like this as of the last few months.
I've tried $(RAWSUBJECT) also, but that didn't make a difference.
Someone else posted about this problem here: