Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

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Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby dexter » Mon Jun 04, 2018 2:06 pm

We think we finally resolved the issue reported during the 6.80 beta cycle where files were getting stuck in the download list and not unraring. Turns out there was a case where a set containing bad par2 files would break the unrar thread so no files queued after that would unrar. That fix and a couple of other minor things are in this release.


  • Fix to "files stuck in download list" issue
  • Addressed issue with NZB's containing files having exactly the same subject
  • Now checks for available disk space before purging cache to disk
The full change history and the download link is on the Newsbin Beta Page.

If you find any issues, please reply to this thread or use our Technical Support Contact Form.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby triskel » Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:02 am

Same issues as before here.
Since nothing has changed in my system, and until version RC4 I have no problem, it must be something that has changed in Newsbin.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Quade » Tue Jun 05, 2018 9:10 am

At this point, you're the only one reporting this so, I'm not clear where to go.

As a start, I'd probably wipe and re-install from scratch. I'm wondering if you have some old format DB files laying around. I can add 20,000 files to the download list in one shot. Do you have another PC you can test this on?
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby triskel » Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:07 pm

I have a netbook with Windows 10.
These are folders and files in my Data Folder:

Chunks\ <DIR> 05/06/2018 15:00 ----
Images\ <DIR> 13/09/2016 09:59 ----
Import\ <DIR> 05/06/2018 17:25 ----
NzbAutoLoad\ <DIR> 12/09/2016 19:23 ----
NzbLoader\ <DIR> 12/09/2016 19:23 ----
Nzbs\ <DIR> 31/05/2018 17:41 ----
Posting\ <DIR> 10/04/2018 12:01 ----
Read Posts\ <DIR> 05/06/2018 19:11 ----
Samples\ <DIR> 12/09/2016 19:23 ----
SPOOL_V6\ <DIR> 05/06/2018 17:15 ----
Temp\ <DIR> 19/04/2017 17:36 ----
Configurazione.nbi.bak 127.112 31/05/2018 18:46 -a--
PosterLockout.txt.bak 110 23/05/2018 17:57 -a--
AutoPAR2.DB3 7.008.256 05/06/2018 20:01 -a--
DeletedPosters.db3 16.384 06/04/2013 23:57 -a--
Downloaded.db3 14.344.192 05/06/2018 20:01 -a--
DownloadMarker.db3 669.663.232 05/06/2018 17:37 -a--
Downloads.db3 73.728 05/06/2015 21:54 -a--
DownloadsV2.db3 102.694.912 05/06/2018 18:35 -a--
Filters.DB3 49.152 31/03/2015 10:21 -a--
GROUPS.DB3 17.039.360 28/04/2018 11:42 -a--
HeaderTracking.db3 319.488 07/07/2014 17:25 -a--
SIGNATURE.db3 411.049.984 05/06/2018 19:41 -a--
DownloadMarker.DB3-shm 32.768 05/06/2018 14:59 -a--
DownloadsV2.db3-shm 32.768 05/06/2018 14:59 -a--
DownloadMarker.DB3-wal 30.900.032 05/06/2018 20:01 -a--
DownloadsV2.db3-wal 35.575.312 05/06/2018 20:01 -a--
Configurazione.nbi 127.112 31/05/2018 18:46 -a--
Configurazione.nbi.old 127.112 31/05/2018 18:46 -a--
Logfile.txt.old 10.013.608 05/06/2018 19:44 -a--
Watchlist.db3.old 20.480 08/04/2013 11:04 -a--
AutoRAR.txt 145.870 15/11/2006 23:24 -a--
DownloadedFiles.txt 0 31/03/2015 10:21 -a--
Logfile.txt 9.955 05/06/2018 20:01 -a--
PosterLockout.txt 110 23/05/2018 17:57 -a--
filters.xml 2.000 03/10/2006 22:05 -a--
Workspace.xml 5.561 05/06/2018 20:01 -a--

and these are in my AppData folder:

Chunks\ <DIR> 13/09/2016 09:49 ----
Images\ <DIR> 13/09/2016 09:49 ----
Import\ <DIR> 13/09/2016 09:49 ----
NzbAutoLoad\ <DIR> 13/09/2016 09:49 ----
Temp\ <DIR> 13/09/2016 09:49 ----
Newsbin.nbi.bak 4.338 13/09/2016 09:55 -a--
AutoPAR2.DB3 20.480 13/09/2016 09:55 -a--
DeletedPosters.db3 16.384 13/09/2016 09:49 -a--
Downloaded.db3 24.576 13/09/2016 09:49 -a--
DownloadMarker.DB3 28.672 13/09/2016 09:49 -a--
DownloadsV2.db3 49.152 13/09/2016 09:49 -a--
Filters.DB3 14.336 13/09/2016 09:49 -a--
GROUPS.DB3 128.000 18/10/2005 17:06 -a--
GuiItems.db3 192.512 05/06/2018 20:00 -a--
GuiItems_original.db3 32.768 13/09/2016 09:55 -a--
SIGNATURE.db3 12.288 13/09/2016 09:49 -a--
GuiItems.db3-shm 32.768 05/06/2018 14:59 -a--
GuiItems.db3-wal 4.124.152 05/06/2018 20:01 -a--
Newsbin.nbi 4.338 13/09/2016 09:55 -a--
Newsbin.nbi.old 4.338 13/09/2016 09:55 -a--
DownloadedFiles.txt 0 13/09/2016 09:49 -a--
Logfile.txt 0 13/09/2016 09:54 -a--
Workspace.xml 4.791 13/09/2016 09:55 -a--

...and of course I have a configuration.nbi file.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby saintsinner » Wed Jun 06, 2018 5:08 am

small bug (don't think it existed in B1 but wouldn't swear to it), the download to new folder option doesn't seem to work anymore as it doesn't create the new folder specified and instead downloads and unarchives to the default folder.

It definitely works with the dodgy NZBs though :)
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Quade » Wed Jun 06, 2018 12:07 pm

small bug (don't think it existed in B1 but wouldn't swear to it)

Thanks. I fixed one thing with that window and apparently broke something else. Thanks.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Calahan » Wed Jun 06, 2018 2:01 pm

Change rawsubject mode to trim any whitespace and dashes from the end still doesn't work for me.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Quade » Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:06 pm

Change rawsubject mode to trim any whitespace and dashes from the end still doesn't work for me.

White space is trimmed off either end of the entry but dashes aren't something I'm looking at to trim. So, if you have "SP-SP" you'll end up with "SP-". If the cleanup results in something that's too short, it just uses the raw subject too. Meaning no cleaning. If the resulting subject is still too long, it'll get chopped off which could also results in an embedded dashed no longer being embedded.

I made a change to remove all dashes.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Calahan » Wed Jun 06, 2018 9:25 pm

Quade wrote:I made a change to remove all dashes.

Sorry, but I couldn't understand what you wrote.

I would like to have dashes in the subject, as they sometimes make sense.
What never made sense is a dash at the end of a folder name. So "xxx-xxx-" or "xxx-xxx -" should be trimmed to "xxx-xxx".
Please don't remove all dashes. Before you delete all dashes in a folder name please leave it as it is. Removing all dashes would make it worse.

I will rename the folders and delete the not needed spaces and dashes at the end by hand if needed.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby kenr » Sun Jun 10, 2018 7:11 am

Still having the same issue with autopar and mp3 files,
It has been sitting idling with [par:243 of 257] D:0 DL:5 Retry:6 N:0-487

Forcing the needed pars into the list (from paused) causes it to repair OK.

It is random so if you want an nzb of one that doesn't work let me know.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Quade » Sun Jun 10, 2018 2:13 pm

Forcing the needed pars into the list (from paused) causes it to repair OK.

How many retries do you have set?
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby kenr » Mon Jun 11, 2018 5:47 am

Quade wrote:
Forcing the needed pars into the list (from paused) causes it to repair OK.

How many retries do you have set?

The default 2. I don't have aggressive on, since it is not normally needed.
But the fact it doesn't download any pars other than the .par2 file, they are all in the download list paused and collapsed.

It is NOT every one, but one in 5 or so. Can be everyone I try to download that day, or none. since I don't download a lot of them.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Quade » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:15 am

The reason I ask about retries is that the pars should unpause every time the retries expire so, as long as the PARS are at the top of the list, the download is unpaused and a retry expires, you should see the next PAR download.

You can email an NZB that fails to ts @ Newsbin com and I can check it out.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby re838uk » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:30 am

I had a set of files in the queue try to download to an missing location (an external hard drive that was turned off at the time) and it started to download instead to the default location. One (the first) of these set unrared to 90% and stalled. I unrared this outside of the program, and removed it from the queue. The others I assigned the default pathway to them, and also gave the default location as a unrar destination, and the log still displays notification of insufficient space to download to the original location. It still managed to downloaded enough to unrar (but didn't start downloading additional pars despite being 1 block short), however didn't do it automatically. Again I unrared outside of the program, and removed the items from the list, and despite no active downloads, it's still outputs "[06/11 14:29:09] ERROR Insufficient Disk space to continue: 0 KB Free G:\New folder\\" and is still ongoing.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Quade » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:00 pm

it's still outputs "[06/11 14:29:09] ERROR Insufficient Disk space to continue: 0 KB Free G:\New folder\\" and is still ongoing.

Yeah, you're going to have to restart and/or add a drive with the proper drive letter. Used to be Newsbin would silently stall out when drives went away. Now it tells you and won't do anything else till you fix it.

If you just bring the drive G back or add a USB fob with sufficient space, it'll unrar there.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby kenr » Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:52 am

OK sent you a nzb that wasn't completing. I had selected all the files from a downloaded header list rather than the nzb but the result should be the same, be interesting if it isn't.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Moondawgie » Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:10 pm

dexter wrote:We think we finally resolved the issue reported during the 6.80 beta cycle where files were getting stuck in the download list and not unraring. Turns out there was a case where a set containing bad par2 files would break the unrar thread so no files queued after that would unrar. That fix and a couple of other minor things are in this release.

This build has certainly resolved this issue. At least with my installation of Newsbin Pro.

Thank you!
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby dexter » Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:53 am

KingFish wrote:This build has certainly resolved this issue. At least with my installation of Newsbin Pro.

Thank you!

Great! Thanks for the confirmation.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Moondawgie » Thu Jun 14, 2018 3:25 pm

Can a "Download All Headers" be paused, or stopped without the loss of any unprocessed message headers or corruption of the associated database file(s)?

Pausing Newsbin Pro (6.81B2 - Build 5065) via the use of the Pause button in the Tool Bar, or by pausing each individual newsgroup in the Downloading Files Tab, has no effect.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Quade » Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:37 pm

Can't pause it but if you delete it from the download list, it'll stop, then a normal header download will just resume where it left off.

"Download All" resets the high water mark for header downloads so, it's persistent even if you delete the header download. Just don't "Download all headers" a second time because this would make it start over again.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Moondawgie » Thu Jun 14, 2018 6:15 pm

I've always wanted to do what you described in your response but didn't due to concern that doing so would cause corruption of the database(s) or loss of header data.

Thank you for eliminating that concern.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby wiggins09 » Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:57 pm

Using 6.81B2 b5065 I've noticed a couple of things (which you probably already know about ) -
    MoTD now appears on every NB startup;

    Cannot get download to new folder to work, it puts the files on the root of wherever I select & does not create the folder I've entered as the path in the dialog (ref saintsinner above);

    I found the use of $(path def) options to be 'partially' broken. Nothing I tried would output files to the $(path) defined. I eventually found I had to delete & change the $(var), restart NB & then del & restart with the original $(var) to get it to do what it had been doing before the upgrade. :?
I am seeing fewer issues with nzbs not completing processing now, still a few random ones mess up but generally a great improvement. Thanks ;)
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Quade » Sun Jun 17, 2018 12:33 am

I found the use of $(path def) options to be 'partially' broken. Nothing I tried would output files to the $(path) defined. I eventually found I had to delete & change the $(var), restart NB & then del & restart with the original $(var) to get it to do what it had been doing before the upgrade. :?

Everything in the download list already has a path set so nothing you change in the options for folders can change where the files go or where they unrar to. You'd have to change the download and unrar folders for each item in the download list.

I don't know if that's your issue but I can change the $(VARIABLES) in real time and see the download folders change as I add new files.

I am seeing fewer issues with nzbs not completing processing now, still a few random ones mess up but generally a great improvement. Thanks ;)

Make sure you have aggressive mode set in the AutoPAR options. I'm considering removing this as an option because Aggressive mode works better most of the time.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby dexter » Sun Jun 17, 2018 6:59 am

wiggins09 wrote:MoTD now appears on every NB startup

This will happen if Newsbin does not think it is registered for some reason. Go under Help -> Register/Update Key and re-submit your registration information then restart Newsbin and the "Show MOTD on Startup" option under Options -> Settings -> Advanced should be honored.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby wiggins09 » Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:01 am

Thanks for the reply Quade,
I can change the $(VaRIABLES) in real time and see the download folders change as I add new files.

I couldn't get NB to do that.... I couldn't get it to obey any variable, it would just dump all files on the root of any selected dir. regardless.
This was initially made apparent to me by the ignoring of nzb grouping that should have generated a subfolder :roll:
Added to the other issue of folder creation I then wondered if it was either a corrupt install or a bug.

Thanks Dexter for the MotD info - that did the trick ;)
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Quade » Sun Jun 17, 2018 2:06 pm

You reported 2 things.

1 - Download to new folder

2 - Changing the path variables.

#1 is a bug. The problem it it's not generating folders for you so, if you just click OK after the edit, it'll just use that folder.

#2 isn't a bug as far as I can tell. It works for me. You can't combine #1 and #2. Path variables and "Download to New Folder" don't work together. You can EITHER use path variables OR use "download to new folder". If you download to new folder though the unrar path should be whatever you set in the unrar path in the options.

Often when people who've had problems with the path variables in the past, they forgot they set a different path in the group options, then when they thought they were using the main option path settings, Newsbin was instead picking the main "per group" pathing.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby syshog » Sun Jun 17, 2018 8:28 pm

Has compression for incoming headers to the import folder been re-enabled? Using windows folder compression is not as fast as gz compression for me.
xeon system with 128GB+ of ram and a lot of storage. I don't update my sig much.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Quade » Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:06 pm

GZ caused too many problem with virus scanners. It's probably not making a comeback.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby wiggins09 » Mon Jun 18, 2018 8:13 am

Quade wrote:You reported 2 things.

1 - Download to new folder

2 - Changing the path variables.

#1 is a bug. The problem it it's not generating folders for you so, if you just click OK after the edit, it'll just use that folder.

#2 isn't a bug as far as I can tell. It works for me. You can't combine #1 and #2. Path variables and "Download to New Folder" don't work together. You can EITHER use path variables OR use "download to new folder". If you download to new folder though the unrar path should be whatever you set in the unrar path in the options.

Often when people who've had problems with the path variables in the past, they forgot they set a different path in the group options, then when they thought they were using the main option path settings, Newsbin was instead picking the main "per group" pathing.

OK thanks Quade. I had thought that perhaps the 2 might be connected under the hood somehow, so I figured it was worth mentioning. Thanks for clarifying.

IDK why these things are messing me around, MotD has decided to return now... Repeated the steps of re-reg & it is still coming back after a PC reboot. The checkbox & $(var) are exactly as entered in the options dialog & in the nbi
Code: Select all

yet NB can still decide not to obey them.
Somehow this could be related to AV. But I have made sure NB is white-listed with full permissions, tho I know that can still be messed up at times. :?
Maybe a totally clean install is req'd.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Quade » Mon Jun 18, 2018 10:24 am

Try $(SUBJECT) and see what happens. "$(FILENAME)" depends on Newsbin being able to find the filename.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Thu Jun 21, 2018 5:25 am

Not sure if bug or limitation, but I've notice on Beta 2 that NZB's from ZIPs over approximately 10MB aren't extracted automatically when dropped in the watched folder.

I don't remember having this problem with older builds. There was a build that produced an error when trying to extract from ZIPs of any size if I remember correctly.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Quade » Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:03 pm

There's a size limit on imported zips. Currently it's 10 megs which represents about 100 megs of NZB contents. Dex and I are discussing removing the limit. The limit is in place because people like to set the NZB Autoload folder to the download folder
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby dexter » Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:15 am

Voyager62 wrote:Not sure if bug or limitation, but I've notice on Beta 2 that NZB's from ZIPs over approximately 10MB aren't extracted automatically when dropped in the watched folder.

I don't remember having this problem with older builds. There was a build that produced an error when trying to extract from ZIPs of any size if I remember correctly.

Beta 3 has addressed your issue.
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Re: Version 6.81 Beta 2 Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Sun Jun 24, 2018 11:32 am

Beta 3 has addressed your issue.

Thanks Dexter, trying it out now.
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