Version 6.80 Final Available...

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Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby dexter » Fri May 04, 2018 12:32 pm

This build is ready for final production release. Giving you guys a first stab at it just in case we missed something but this is a final production build. There were a few minor changes since the last RC:

  • Fixed the $(RAWSUBJECT) path variable function.
  • Change rawsubject mode to trim any whitespace and dashes from the end
  • Fixed issue where read timeouts on header downloads were not getting re-tried.
  • Remove the "No Filename" warning on sample unrar, was misleading.
  • Make sure the .nzb extension is removed when used as the unrar path for NZB's coming from Sonarr
The full change history and the download link is on the Newsbin Beta Page.

If you find any issues, please reply to this thread or use our Technical Support Contact Form.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby triskel » Fri May 04, 2018 2:57 pm

Nothing new for me with 6.80 Final: the download sometimes starts, sometimes doesn't; sometimes it starts and then stops forever.
I have to restart Newsbin or move all the files from "Downloading files" list to "Wish list" and then to "Downloading files" again... or continue to use RC4.

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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby dexter » Fri May 04, 2018 3:14 pm

If more than one person were having this problem we'd have a better chance at resolving it. Unless more people can recreate your issue, we have to assume there is some local conflict on your machine.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby kirm » Fri May 04, 2018 3:16 pm

Just to mention, the installer is asking twice for the language. Is this a flaw with the installer you guys use.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby triskel » Fri May 04, 2018 3:22 pm

Thanks for your attention.
Well... I understand the situation, and I can live with that workarounds.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby dexter » Fri May 04, 2018 4:25 pm

kirm wrote:Just to mention, the installer is asking twice for the language. Is this a flaw with the installer you guys use.

Yeah, issue with the installer. I've tried to work around it. It's definitely not ideal.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Elastic » Sat May 05, 2018 2:48 pm

triskel wrote:Nothing new for me with 6.80 Final: the download sometimes starts, sometimes doesn't; sometimes it starts and then stops forever.
I have to restart Newsbin or move all the files from "Downloading files" list to "Wish list" and then to "Downloading files" again... or continue to use RC4.

I'm having this exact same issue. I thought it was just myself as I've been browsing the forum since the later 6.80 RC's when it started happening and hadn't noticed mention of it. It seemed initially like RC8 fixed that, but it still occasionally happened and is still the same in 6.80 final. The only solution for me was exiting Newsbin and restarting at which point it begins immediately. I hadn't tried your "Wish list" strategy but tried that just now and it also worked.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby kenr » Sun May 06, 2018 6:31 am

Got a problem with auto par (again). It only downloads the par2 file, doesn't start to repair until I manually download the extra files needed.
It is probably a wine issue but this is the first time I have seen it do this.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Quade » Sun May 06, 2018 9:57 am

I'm having this exact same issue. I thought it was just myself as I've been browsing the forum since the later 6.80 RC's when it started happening and hadn't noticed mention of it. It seemed initially like RC8 fixed that, but it still occasionally happened and is still the same in 6.80 final. The only solution for me was exiting Newsbin and restarting at which point it begins immediately. I hadn't tried your "Wish list" strategy but tried that just now and it also worked.

How about, in the options select "Open Data Folder". Then close Newsbin, then delete the file "Downloads.db3" and then restart Newsbin.

Downloads.db3 tracks the Download, Wish and Failed lists so, those will be cleared by this process. How many servers do you have?
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Quade » Sun May 06, 2018 9:58 am

Got a problem with auto par (again).

Do all sets do it? Are they rars? Is this the 32 bit version?
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby kenr » Sun May 06, 2018 12:23 pm

I have had it happen with all the 10 I have tried so far. All rar's.
64bit ver under latest wine.

I don't download a lot using NB so not really noticed it before, but I think I had it occur in an earlier beta.
If it doesn't repair, I check it using quickpar to see how many pars I need and then download them, that usually triggers the repair and extract, but not always.
Another issue is that is sometimes doesn't extract to the mp3 folder, usually but I have had a couple repair to the base folder, not sure if it is the files in that case.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby MSWallack » Sun May 06, 2018 5:33 pm

I've been having the same problem (downloads don't start until I restart NB). Just downloaded and installed 6.80f1 and ... at least one small set of files downloaded without the problem. I'll report back if the problem reappears.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby grantboucher » Sun May 06, 2018 10:28 pm

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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby kenr » Mon May 07, 2018 7:07 am

Today it worked fine for 3 par sets but the last one it failed on.
It is sitting at [PAR: 702(142) of 710] D:0 DL:0 Retry:- N:0-8 (changing)

Running quiclkpar finds all the pars and repairs it immediately. Both running under the same wine prefix.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Quade » Mon May 07, 2018 10:00 am

Check your logging tab. Newsbin now checks free space before unrar. This looks like either it's not getting enough free space or that it's attempted the unrar a couple times and it's failed each time. You might want to use WinRAR to confirm the RAR status. Quickpar can restore files back to "as posted" format but if the RARS were damaged before the pars were generated, you'll get the same bad RARS out of the repair process. This is surprisingly common. It's why you sometimes have to confirm the RAR files even if Quickpar says they're good.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby chimmyjim » Mon May 07, 2018 12:08 pm


Just upgraded from 6.8B6 and it looks like I can crash the program by marking a bunch of posts old and immediately closing the tab. I have the dump file from WER if you want it.

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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby kenr » Mon May 07, 2018 1:42 pm

OK last few haven't been rar's they have been flac's or mp3's.
There is 400Gb of free space so no issues there.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Mon May 07, 2018 10:29 pm

I don't understand why low disk space bugs were put back into the "Final" release. At one point when you ran low on disk space Newsbin would pause and display a message. Depending on how long it took to clear space, it would flash the message for up to a couple of minutes. That was supposedly fixed, but now it's back. Also, there's still no error handling to prevent COMPLETELY running out of space and Newsbin corrupting every chunk and post still in the queue by saving 0 byte files. Although pausing while each post is unRAR'ed will prevent that for the most part (I still experience running completely out of disk space every now and then for some reason), there is no way to safely shutdown Newbin without first clearing disk space. Forcing it closed will result in Newsbin downloading duplicate files and possibly data corruption.

Quade's theory on error handling reminds me of the Henny Youngman joke, "The patient says, "Doctor, it hurts when I do this." "Then don't do that!" The doctor says to the patient." You can't just rely on never running out of disk space as the main error handling method of preventing file corruption and possibly even crashing Windows.

I'm not asking for complete idiot-proofing, just something that prevents completely running out of space and a way to close the message, keep Newsbin paused and being able to safely shut it down without it preventing you clicking on anything fast enough before the message appears again.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Quade » Tue May 08, 2018 1:30 am

I'm not asking for complete idiot-proofing

How big are your unrars? I think you need to set the disk free space limit to maybe 2-4 times your typical unrar size. The default is 1 GB and clearly that's not enough.

The problem you're having right now is that unRAR and download are both consuming space at the same time and colliding with each other. UnRAR checks and notes it has enough free space to unrar, the download continues, the two processes consume disk space and eventually you run out because, once the unrar starts it keeps going to completion because it already checked and it HAD enough free space. The free space just went away because the download continued.

Subsequent unrars will stall because when they check if there's enough free space, they'll notice there isn't enough. So, you need the download to stop not when the disk gets close to empty but when the disk free space gets close to a multiple of the UnRAR size.

MinFreeSpace = X

In the configuration file, how about setting X to 20000 and see how the downloads work out. If your typical unrars are 50 gigs, set it to 100000.

If you're downloading and unraring to a drive that's not being checked for free space, only the unrar free space check works and as I've pointed out. It's not sufficient if your download speed is fast enough. In that case, you're better off downloading to the main download path and then unraring to this other drive.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Tue May 08, 2018 3:54 am

How big are your unrars?

Up to 5 GiB, We discussed this back in beta 6. I'm using a laptop with a USB 3.0 port that frequently disconnects. I download an unRAR everything to the C drive. I moved from a SLOW 500 GB 5400 RPM hard drive to a 120 GB M.2 SSD for the moment until I buy something larger. At the most, I may have 50 GiB available for downloads. I even went from a Pentium 3558U to an i3-4030U to greatly speed up unRARing, but even that reduction in lag time between download and unRARing hasn't help much other than making the computer more responsive when unRARing.

I had MinFreeSpace set at 10000, I have since doubled it to 20000. It doesn't run out of disk space now, but since I only have about 30 GiB of download space, I have to unpause it frequently. There should be a way to safely shut down Newsbin with having to move or delete files to allow it to start downloading before closing it. Were talking about a laptop here, so you should expect people not to have anything available at times to free disk space.

So if I installed this on my 32 or 64 GiB tablets, what is your solution for that? A tablet is designed to be portable, and while I can use a slow SD card as external space, your program should have some error handling in when you're low on disk space.

How about an option for automatic shutdown when the low space threshold is reached? Then you don't have to do anything with the annoying popup message that keeps telling what you already know by flashing for several minutes when you do create enough disk space. You could also a a delay before popping it up again. This would match the operation in V5. I had 3-4 seconds to click the X and had the confirmation shut off. It worked well and allowed me to clear disk space without racing Newbin downloading an refilling the drive at 250 Mbps.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Quade » Tue May 08, 2018 8:53 am

Up to 5 GiB,

So I'd set it to 10000 then.

You basically have no disk space. If you want to download 5 GB sets, you need to have 15 GB free before you even start. Setting the free space to 10 gigs (10,000) is already on the low side in order to keep your downloads working properly. Your really need to watch out for the recycle bin too. If you enable it, it'll consume disk space and typically it doesn't free up space as fast as you can download so, it can force you out of disk space too.

There should be a way to safely shut down Newsbin with having to move or delete files to allow it to start downloading before closing it.

I don't really understand your comment. As long as the warning is up, it's paused. Then you only need to watch out for the current unrar. That's why you need it pausing with at least 10 gigs free. While most usenet unrars are uncompressed, some might be. You need free disk space to do repairs too. I already added the unrar free space check. It won't even start an unrar unless you have 2 times the unrar size disk space free.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby triskel » Tue May 08, 2018 9:18 am

Quade wrote:
I'm having this exact same issue. I thought it was just myself as I've been browsing the forum since the later 6.80 RC's when it started happening and hadn't noticed mention of it. It seemed initially like RC8 fixed that, but it still occasionally happened and is still the same in 6.80 final. The only solution for me was exiting Newsbin and restarting at which point it begins immediately. I hadn't tried your "Wish list" strategy but tried that just now and it also worked.

How about, in the options select "Open Data Folder". Then close Newsbin, then delete the file "Downloads.db3" and then restart Newsbin.

I've just tried: files begin to download, then stop forever after 5-6 files.
No problem until RC4.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Tue May 08, 2018 10:58 am

As long as the warning is up, it's paused. Then you only need to watch out for the current unrar.

You need to actually simulate low disk space on one your older, slower systems. As I move files at about 50 MBps, Newsbin will start downloading as soon as 10 GB or whatever the minimum is set to, BUT the message continues to flash for a few minutes as Newsbin downloads at up to 300 Mbps. It's hard to make any headway because even though I'm reading from an SSD, I'm writing to standard hard drives. Between activity on the SSD and CPU usage, it is slow going. The only thing I can do other than having to use task manager to force Newbin closed is to pull out the LAN cable and shut off WiFi. Then just wait for a while and finally Newsbin will clear the message permanently and I can shut it down.

I'd liken Newbin 6.80 to a Toyota Camry with a stuck accelerator. Brakes don't work, all you can do is either throw the transmission into park or shut off the ignition.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Quade » Tue May 08, 2018 11:16 am

I've just tried: files begin to download, then stop forever after 5-6 files.
No problem until RC4.

Dex and I are puzzled by this. We're waiting for some way to characterize it. It's happened to enough people for us to consider it a real issue but it's not happening to me or apparently most other people, so fixing it might be problematic.

Did you delete the "downloads.db3" file as I suggested in one of these posts?

I'd liken Newbin 6.80 to a Toyota Camry with a stuck accelerator. Brakes don't work, all you can do is either throw the transmission into park or shut off the ignition.

Or you could look at the free space and head this off before you run out. I liken this to someone complaining about running out of gas all the time even though the fuel gauge shows you exactly how much fuel you have left.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby triskel » Tue May 08, 2018 12:43 pm

Quade wrote:
Dex and I are puzzled by this. We're waiting for some way to characterize it. It's happened to enough people for us to consider it a real issue but it's not happening to me or apparently most other people, so fixing it might be problematic.

Did you delete the "downloads.db3" file as I suggested in one of these posts?

Yes: that's the thing I've tried (see above).
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Tue May 08, 2018 12:47 pm

Did you delete the "downloads.db3" file as I suggested in one of these posts?

No, deleting the downloads.db3 will clear my download list. I have deleted the all the 0 byte chunks after it sucks up all the disk space and continues to download at 300 Mbps, saving thousands of 0 byte chunks which then create hundreds of 0 bytes post parts after the disk space is cleared.

Or you could look at the free space and head this off before you run out.

I can't understand your attitude towards this problem. Any software developer should want to work out the bugs in the present version before adding more bells and whistles. It's like buying a car without brakes and the salesman saying don't worry as long as you are prepared to stop you can downshift and use the emergency brake. That's essentially what you are saying to do with Newsbin. And the worst part is the low disk space actually worked in Version 5. Why you decided to change how it worked, broke it and don't care to fix it is incredulous.

I don't need all the extras you've added in Version 6. Multiple windows, scheduler, most filters, remote control, notifications and even downloading headers are useless to me. I subscribe to NZB indexers and 3 news services, so in an hour or two I can download hundreds of Gigs and don't need all the extras. That's why for 8 years I continued to use Version 5 and manually extract the files since you never added the option to keep the internal timestamps. With the amount I download and the quick expiry of recent posts, I need a newsreader that can repair and extract the files before they expire, which in some cases is within hours. Newsbin downloaded over 500 GB in less than 8 hours even though it ran out of space with less than 50 GB of good files.

My brother still uses a 10-15 year old version of Agent for the same reason. Sometimes all you need is an old beater and not a Tesla with autonomous drive mode.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Tue May 08, 2018 12:52 pm

I liken this to someone complaining about running out of gas all the time even though the fuel gauge shows you exactly how much fuel you have left.

At least in that situation the car stops, Newsbin keeps running after a initial pause. It'd be the perpetual motion machine of cars.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Quade » Tue May 08, 2018 2:21 pm

No, deleting the downloads.db3 will clear my download list.

This was for the other person. There's two topics in one reply.

I can't understand your attitude towards this problem. Any software developer should want to work out the bugs in the present version before adding more bells and whistles.

I gave you a solution. Tell it to stop downloading when it gets down to 10 gigs of free space. Apparently this works for you. I'm really not clear what you're complaining about now. I'd suggest telling Newsbin to stop download during unrar too. It's in the performance options.

since you never added the option to keep the internal timestamps.

It's in the autopar options. It's been there for awhile now. 6.73 and before had it.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Tue May 08, 2018 5:23 pm

gave you a solution. Tell it to stop downloading when it gets down to 10 gigs of free space.

10 Gigs isn't enough when Windows starts to download the next insider preview build. Once the drive is completely out of space, something happens where Newsbin will start downloading again at full speed. This happens even with the message box still blocking clicking on any control button to shutdown or at least pause Newsbin. That's why I increased it to 20 GB, but the insider preview builds are around 30 GB, so probably will happen again. I'll just have to setup a screen recorder and show you what happens.

It's in the autopar options. It's been there for awhile now. 6.73 and before had it.

I was referring to Version 5. I would still be using that even with the hassle of initially install Version 6 and rolling back if Version 5 (not 6) had the option of internal timestamps. Until the Windows copy/move function adds CRC's, the only way to check the possibility of 2 files being identical is by size and date.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Wed May 09, 2018 8:08 am

As Jaime would say, "Well there's your problem."

It took me less than 2 hours to find the cause of why Newsbin runs on after displaying the low disk space message and it affects everyone, no matter the size of their hard drive. Even after a year of Version 6.80 development, had you taken the effort to actually duplicate my conditions, I'm sure you'd have found it quicker. I'm not a programmer, but if you don't know what is causing it from the videos I PM'ed you, I can give you my thoughts on why it's happening.

I beta test programs, not write them, but to say that the way you use Newsbin is the only right way is not how you should sell software. You should actively investigate both suggestions and criticisms and not just attribute bugs that don't appear on your system as imaginary, because no one person can think of every combination of conditions and situations.

That's why you have users beta test Newsbin and post their problems and results in this forum, right?
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Quade » Wed May 09, 2018 10:24 am

You video seems to show 100% successful downloads.

It's not continuing to download after paused. You can see from the download speed. You have a high spec connection. Your download is running way ahead of the file assembly and par checking. Meaning the chunks for the files are already sitting on disk and are being converted to files in the background, slowly. That's why pause is ineffective. There's nothing to pause, all the downloads are done. You can see that the assembly isn't consuming more disk space as it shouldn't. It's should be zero sum. Files assembled size = chunks deleted size.

The one thing that Dex suggested after seeing the video is make the unrar code obey the free space limits as well as the unrar space requirements. Currently unrar just requires 2 times the unrar size.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Wed May 09, 2018 10:45 am

It's not continuing to download after paused. You can see from the download speed.

Okay, obviously you still don't understand. I was switching back and forth between Newsbin, Task Manager and Resource Monitor (but as I stated in the PM, MS Game DVR only records a single window) and after each post assembled, Newsbin DID start downloading again even tough the the Newbin Window doesn't show it. I thought it was pretty clear. All the UnRAR activity stopped until I cleared the disk space, but the download activity continued.

I have Newsbin set to pause downloading when UnRARing, but after the UnRARing stops, it continues, even though it's below my set minimum which is set to 15 GB right now. Had the Game DVR recorded the Message Window, you'd see it popped up with almost exactly 15 GB left.

Here's a screenshot from my router Traffic Analyzer data. You can clearly see that between 5-7 AM, Newsbin (it's the only NNTP client installed) downloaded over 50 GB all while the Newsbin Window showed no downloading.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Wed May 09, 2018 11:02 am

Here are my settings in Newsbin clearly showing that only 1 file should unRAR at a time and ALL downloading should stop when only 15 GB of free disk space is left.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Quade » Wed May 09, 2018 4:34 pm

I saw from your own video's that download had stopped for the most part and your disk space remained just about 15-16 gigs for most of both video's. It didn't reduce to 5 gigs or so till the unrars completed. That's what led is to believe it's probably a good idea to make the free space limit apply to unraring too. I don't think it needs to apply to file assembly because the chunks have already been allocated.

If looks like the obscured files were failing to unrar till the end when they all finished up unraring. The "Pause while unraring" uses a different mechanism than the main pause button so the two don't collide.

You'll be able to test the changes whenever the next beta cycle starts.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Voyager62 » Thu May 10, 2018 6:43 am

Okay, Quade. Another day, another video. This time of all open windows showing that Newbin doesn't update the remaining disk space in the main window once it pops up the message box. Same link as before. The recording ends when all drive space is consumed, resulting in a fiery crash of the recording. All the while Newsbin keeps downloading real data, but saving 0 byte chunks and corrupting not only the posts, but everything any other program tries to write to the drive.

You have to believe this video. It's absolutely crystal clear what's happening. There's no denying it, unless maybe if you're a Flat Earther. They wouldn't believe it if they were on the ISS.

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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby kenr » Fri May 11, 2018 5:58 am

Autopar and flac's.
It def. seems to have issues with (some) flac pars
Latest ones was 4 different sets 3 went fine the 4th just looped at the test phase. (the last number going from 458 to 0 and back) NB it only downloaded the par2 file no additional ones.
Ran quickpar and it told me it needed 142 parts, so added them to the download list manually and then it (NB) automatically repaired them. Qp was stuck on one with an accent in the file name (just a 's), but NB repaired it after me downloading the pars manually,

So it looks like it isn't automatically adding the pars to the download list when the file is flac and mp3 folder naming is on. (don't know about mp3's don't use them.)
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Quade » Fri May 11, 2018 10:31 am

Ran quickpar and it told me it needed 142 parts, so added them to the download list manually and then it (NB) automatically repaired them.

When you download flacs, if you want repair, you have to add all the pars to the download list along with the flacs. You might already be doing this but it's not 100% clear from your comment. Ideally you add them as a single par grouping and not add the individual PARS.

In cases where the files and pars don't group, the Pars will slowly be downloaded one at a time till either they all run out or the par blocks + repair blocks are enough to repair. The issue is that without grouping, it's hard to know of you're still downloading files that participate in that PAR set. The retry count gates the PAR downloads so, you probably want to make sure retries are set to 2.

Quickpar can't handle foreign or unicode paths or filenames.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby kenr » Fri May 11, 2018 3:21 pm

They were all added to the download list as a collapsed group, it was from there I selected the needed files.
The thing is NOTHING is downloaded for the repair to happen, it just sits looping the check as I said above.
It wasn't foreign just a " ' " as in it's but qp though it was a block character in the list

I usually just select all the par & file parts and add them to the list, so far about 30% are failing, using QP I can find out the missing pars needed and add them to the list, but this is not ideal. I could just download all the pars but that is wasteful.
Where is the retry setting? IS it included in the string for the file? If so then I listed it on the previous beta.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Quade » Fri May 11, 2018 3:47 pm

Next time, in the download list, expand the grouped pars and watch the retries. It should be mechanically unpausing the pars and download them as it hits 2 retries. Of course if the parts aren't at the top, other downloads will take priority.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Bill_M » Fri May 11, 2018 10:52 pm

I figured this was safe to install but something must be wrong with installing under Linux/Wine. Everything seems to be working but the top of the window says "NewsBin.nbi - Newsbin Pro 6.62 - Build 4358" Could the installer be fetching the wrong version because of some limitation in Wine? I'm not sure Wine fully supports 64 bit apps. Is there a way to check which got installed? I'm pretty sure I was running 6.73 without any problems before.

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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Quade » Fri May 11, 2018 11:30 pm

It's pretty clear 6.62 got installed. You can install 6.80 on a windows machine and just copy the "program files" folder for Newsbin over to the Wine machine too. Newsbin doesn't install anything in the windows folder.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby kenr » Sat May 12, 2018 6:30 am

I had them expanded and was watching them for about a minute or 2 while the numbers went up and down at the end of the par2. NOTHING else was downloaded. I have left it for several minutes before when I left it to download things before.
As I say it isn't every one, it just fixed one just now while I was watching. However another is sitting at [par:910 of 918[ D:0 DL:8 Retry:6 N:changing (what is it?)

It only needs 8 blocks and there are 8 par2 files available all paused. Nothing else downloading at the moment sitting in a running state. Currently 170Gb free on the disk. 36Gb free on the "c:"
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby dexter » Sat May 12, 2018 9:42 am

Bill_M wrote:I figured this was safe to install but something must be wrong with installing under Linux/Wine. Everything seems to be working but the top of the window says "NewsBin.nbi - Newsbin Pro 6.62 - Build 4358" Could the installer be fetching the wrong version because of some limitation in Wine? I'm not sure Wine fully supports 64 bit apps. Is there a way to check which got installed? I'm pretty sure I was running 6.73 without any problems before.


Are you sure you are running the correct installer? What link did you use for the download? Maybe I missed a link when I made the release.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Bill_M » Sat May 12, 2018 12:01 pm

Well this looks like my fault. I run newsbin from another drive so after your earlier response I checked under the Program Files directory. Sure enough version 6.80 is there. I notice it is named NewsbinPro64.exe, the one in the directory I run from is NewbinPro.exe. I assume I have been running the 32 bit version. So I just need to figure out how to get Wine to run the correct executable.

But now it gets complicated.

Running version 6.80 I get the same error as before: no network connection. The message I get (repeatedly) is: "[05/12 07:26:35] ERROR Error Unknown Download Exception." Does this mean anything to you? Right now I am guessing that Wine has a problem with 64 bit apps and networking. Is there any way I can force the installer to use a 32 bit version? Assuming you still have one.

There are other things I need to try anyway. Thanks,

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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Quade » Sat May 12, 2018 2:02 pm

You need to upgrade to at least Wine 1.9. The older versions had an incomplete implementation of Winsock.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Bill_M » Sat May 12, 2018 2:13 pm

That's it. I'm running on Wine 1.6. I tried installing on another computer running Wine 3.0 and everything runs perfectly. Thanks!

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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Kenshin » Mon May 14, 2018 4:58 pm

Anyone else having issues with nzb watch folders?

I saw someone mention what i'm experiencing in the RC6 (i think) thread.

Before nzbs were dumped in a folder, and once loaded into newsbin, were moved to the loaded folder within that initial nzb watch folder i'd created. With this newer version they now are moved to the AppData\Local\Newsbin\Nzbs and AppData\Local\Newsbin\Nzbs\Nzbs folders (not sure why the duplicate either?).

Can't see a way to change this in settings, only to point at the initial watch folder...
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Kenshin » Mon May 14, 2018 5:00 pm

Anyone else having issues with nzb watch folders?

I saw someone mention what i'm experiencing in the RC6 (i think) thread.

Before nzbs were dumped in a folder, and once loaded into newsbin, were moved to the loaded folder within that initial nzb watch folder i'd created. With this newer version they now are moved to the AppData\Local\Newsbin\Nzbs and AppData\Local\Newsbin\Nzbs\Nzbs folders (not sure why the duplicate either?).

Can't see a way to change this in settings, only to point at the initial watch folder...
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Calahan » Mon May 14, 2018 9:37 pm

Version 6.80 Build 5058

There are still problems with $(RAWSUBJECT).
Had a subject like this (posted on May, 13th):

   Abcd.Abcdef.2014.AB1-ABCD - [1/104] - "abcd.abcde.2014.ab1-abcd-abcdef.jpg" yEnc
+ Abcd.Abcdef.2014.AB1-ABCD - [90/104] - "abcd.abcde.2014.ab1-abcd.rar" yEnc

Resulting folder name seems to be:

Instead of:

Just saw there were files of posting from March, 24th in the folder too.
Subject from March, 24th was:
Abcd.Abcde.2016.AB1-EfgHi [94/108] - "efh-jk16.rar" yEnc

Folder name Abcd.Abcdef was created on March, 24th and updated with date May, 13th.

Now 3 folders were created as in RC7. Correct folder names but still with " - " at the end. All 3 had no year in the subject (".2014." for example).
All were created with auto download properties. Setting UnRAR folder to "L:\!D\$(RAWSUBJECT)\".
Looked into the Recyle Bin. Setting for download is "J:\!G\$(GROUP)\$(RAWSUBJECT)\" and the folder names were identical to the UnRAR folders.

Some single files were left in the download folder (nfo or jpg files for example).
It is strange that for some sets those files were moved to the UnRAR folder and for some sets they were left in the download folder.
Last edited by Calahan on Tue May 15, 2018 1:51 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Version 6.80 Final Available...

Postby Quade » Mon May 14, 2018 9:49 pm

Can't see a way to change this in settings, only to point at the initial watch folder...

Moving the NZB's into the "Loaded" folder wasn't something I considered to be a feature. Instead it just made it easier for me to know what NZB's had already been processes. The change to move the NZB's to the data folder is so they can be automatically cleaned out AND I know I can read/write the folder.

So there's no option to change how it works because I didn't consider it a feature in the first place.
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