Up front: may be it is hidden somewhere in the settings, I vainly tried to find it.
If it is not (and I believe it is not), I would like to suggest an option/feature that shows a kind of process bar,
or at least that Newsbin tells me what it is doing.
I had this idea in mind a long time, but never submitted it.
The other day I was a bit in a hurry for specific files.
I could see they were all downloaded alright, but nothing seemed to be happening.
Minutes were passing - nothing - I was waiting impatiently.
Then I started out to copy all the files to a different folder so as to extract them there.
But at file 95 or so it stopped, Newsbin was processing.
Waiting, waiting...
A few minutes later (still nothing happening, I didn't see Newsbin creating a tmp folder) I tried again
Same issue
Closing NB
Using MultiPar to check and repair
then extracted
All this took almost 20 minutes whereas the files were downloaded within a few minutes.
I could not see what NB was doing,
could not figure out where it was whilst processing (i.e. how much longer do I have to wait),
didn't see whether it was stuck somewhere (so I could have waiting endlessly).
Reaso for this request.