I suspect this is DMCA related, but until today I hadn't noticed any impact.
Typically I would find content by search only, usually once a week or so. New posts for these searches would be there, no problems, easy-peasy.
Last week, no problems.
Today, now the searches for most content are fairly sparse, and don't seem to include search results that were there last week.
My assumption is these posts are being removed, and therefore there are no search results to show, even for results that were there last week. It's not that the filenames have been hashed/obscured (although clearly thats becoming prevalent).
Something looks to have changed - at least on Giganews. I'd been happily ignorant of what was going on in the DMCA area until I went poking around today - even though they seem to be winning, something is different.
Is this across the board for providers, or might it be Giganews-specific?