How about PMing me the name of your NZB source. I was talking to a heavy Sonarr user on IRC who doesn't have any issues.
I looked at Newsbin's logs and noticed the filter saying "Rejected Post" and I thought that maybe the filter (through Newsbin) was incorrectly reporting to Sonarr that the files had failed,
I thought this theory is valid. Which is why I was focusing on it. You shouldn't be seeing that message. So the next step is to disable any post unrar filters and see if it goes away. So, I was hoping you'd report to me about whether you're using a post unrar filter and what happens when you delete it.
I've noticed one area where Sonarr and Newsbin might have issues. It's long path support. Sonarr can't pick up files that have really long paths. So checking that is important. Making sure the unrar path for Sonarr downloads includes the NZB FIlename is another factor (looking on disk). That should be automatic. Any unrar path you set in the Sonarr options needs to unadorned. Newsbin will automatically add the NZB Filename to it.
You have to make sure the Unrar path isn't inside the Sonarr final destination path too.
Z:\Sonarr Destination\
Z:\Newsbin UnRAR\
If the files don't go to the failed list, Newsbin won't report them as failed so, assuming they're not in the failed list, this suggests Sonarr isn't picking up and moving the files for some reason.
[01/11 09:34:29] DEBUG First Filename:X:\Down-Load\f6dccb41834d6277344359f234dea96c38078e00.rar
[01/11 09:34:29] DEBUG UnRAR Temp: X:\TV Downloads\ UnRAR Filename: X:\Down-Load\f6dccb41834d6277344359f234dea96c38078e00.rar
[01/11 09:34:32] HIGH HFC: Rejected Post-unRAR Filter: Filename Filter f6dccb41834d6277344359f234dea96c38078e00.sfv
[01/11 09:34:32] HIGH HFC: Rejected Post-unRAR Filter: Filename Filter f6dccb41834d6277344359f234dea96c38078e00.sfv
This is my post unrar filter hitting. It's not deleting any MKV files.