Aggressive Assembly Mode isn't assembling the files if the NZB is missing articles, as opposed to the Server missing them.
Running 6.80B10 under Win 7 32bit.
My file set I'm trying to download is about 133GB with 2.2GB .rar files.
Some of the .partXX.rar files are missing articles (segments) in the NZB itself but there are plenty of .par2 recover blocks.
For the incomplete .partXX.rar files, Newsbin never assembles and writes them to the final destination. The chunks just fill up the ...\Newsbin\Chunks dir until all free space on that disk is filled up
and Newsbin comes to a screeching halt.
As a side note, when this happened, I was unable to exit Newsbin gracefully. The disk space warning was poping up over and over again with no stopping. I had to kill the task in taskmgr.
Ok, so I tried a different approach. I tried to download one of the incomplete .partXX.rar all by itself, no .par2 files.
Newsbin downloads what it can, writes the data to ...\Newsbin\Chunks, and chucks the file in to the Failed Files list.
So I go into the Failed Files list, select the file, and tell it to Assemble Incompletes.
The file goes back to the download list, Newsbin rescans the file verifying that all available chunks have already been been download, then shoves it back into the Failed Files list.