UsnetSearch Error Strange Behaviour

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UsnetSearch Error Strange Behaviour

Postby Enlade » Sat Aug 19, 2017 4:28 pm

Ok, so I have been noticing this for a good while. I can live with it so its not a huge deal, but it is a little bit of a pain. When I do a USNET search for something that exists it pops up the results without any delay (very nice and fast). However, when I search for something that does not exist it will give me the pop up form that has the heading that says USNETSEARCH ERROR, but then it locks up the program for about a minute. After about a minute (maybe 45 sec) the USNETSEARCH ERROR form will make the OK button available for me to press and everything is back to normal. I am using Windows 8.1. I am actually thinking that it might be something with Microsoft IE that is to blame since there are times that I notice it locking up in a similar way when some pop up comes up while I'm browsing (I normally use FireFox), so it might just be my IE installation or something. In any case, I just wanted to mention it. I can live with it, but I was wondering if others were seeing it as well. Thanks.
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Re: UsnetSearch Error Strange Behaviour

Postby Quade » Sun Aug 20, 2017 2:59 pm

However, when I search for something that does not exist it will give me the pop up form that has the heading that says USNETSEARCH ERROR, but then it locks up the program for about a minute. After about a minute (maybe 45 sec) the USNETSEARCH ERROR form will make the OK button available for me to press and everything is back to normal.

This is pretty much instantaneous here. It makes me wonder if there's something wrong with IE/Edge that makes this slow to start. Basically the error window is an embedded browser window. What kind of machine is this? How much RAM?
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