Hanging complete downloads

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Hanging complete downloads

Postby Calahan » Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:33 pm


from time to time I have hanging complete downloads in Newsbin.
In those cases, Newsbin was also downloading all available par2 files, which was not needed as all rar files were complete.

Sometimes the reason was, the rar set needed a password for unpacking. (An error message would be helpful in that case.)

Now I had "Automatically UnRAR Complete Files" = off (so a missing password should be irrelevant) and "Remove repaired but, not unrared sets in the download list" = on,
there was no password needed for the rar set and the set was hanging too.
(I then tried the setting "Automatically UnRAR Complete Files" = on, but Newsbin also didn't unrar the set. So no difference.)

I closed Newsbin and opened it again and this is, what happens in the Status column:

[84 files, 16 pars] D:0 DL:0 Retry:0 N:0
[PAR: 0 of 0] d:0 DL:100 Retry:0 N:10
[PAR: 0 of 10724] D:0 DL:99 Retry:0 N:10
[PAR: 131 of 10724] D:1 DL:98 Retry:0 N:10
[PAR: 262 of 10724] D:2 DL:97 Retry:0 N:10
... (counting the data blocks)
[PAR: 10593 of 10724] D:83 DL:16 Retry:0 N:10
[PAR Repair] 0%: Completed
[PAR: 10724 of 10724] D:84 DL:15 Retry:0 N:10
[PAR Repair] 0%: Completed
[PAR: 10724(1) of 10724] D:84 DL:14 Retry:0 N:10
[PAR Repair] 0%: Completed
[PAR: 10724(3) of 10724] D:84 DL:13 Retry:0 N:10
[PAR Repair] 0%: Completed
... (counting the par2 blocks)
[PAR: 10724(1086) of 10724] D:84 DL:0 Retry:0 N:10 (N: is counting down to zero and starts the loop with 10)

Then Nothing more happens, the set hangs.

Beside that, there are 82 full rar files with 131 blocks each and the last shorter rar file had 113 blocks.
Thats 10855 blocks in 83 files and not 10724 in 84. Maybe Newsbin counts the *.sfv file as a data file, but 10724 seems to be wrong.

Multipar says all rar files and all par2 files are complete and correct (10855 data blocks and 1086 par2 blocks).

I gave an edited nzb file another try. This time only with the one par2 file without blocks so I could see, if the rar files were complete
and correct or Newsbin had to download the par2 files with blocks. Just downloaded the set again and it still hangs.
Multipar says all files are complete, no repair needed.

Just tested my old Quickpar 0.9.1 on the set. Quickpar is reading the par2 blocks and stops, flickering, not reading the data files.
Your par2 engine is reading the data files, but if your par2 engine has the same source, maybe that could explain the hanging set.

Just tested the set on 6.73RC2, no change. The set hangs.
I can send the nzb with a PM if desired.

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Re: Hanging complete downloads

Postby mimauk » Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:46 pm

I get this with the odd download where NBPro keeps trying to unrar a downloaded set of rar files but is not successfull.

The problem is that when winrar is working, one or more of the rar files generates an error message that the crc is incorrect and winrar stops the unrar.

The solution - manually extract the rar set with winrar but make sure the 'keep broken files' option is checked in the miscellaneous section of the winrar popup window. The complete file will then be extracted to a seperate sub-folder and can be played without any problems.
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Re: Hanging complete downloads

Postby Calahan » Wed Mar 15, 2017 3:40 pm

All rar files are fine and all par2 files are fine (but none were needed).
It is most likely a problem with the par engine.
Newsbin downloads all par2 files but it doesn't have to. It should extract the rar files. But it hangs doing nothing.

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Re: Hanging complete downloads

Postby mimauk » Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:30 pm

Calahan wrote:All rar files are fine and all par2 files are fine (but none were needed).
It is most likely a problem with the par engine.
Newsbin downloads all par2 files but it doesn't have to. It should extract the rar files. But it hangs doing nothing.

All the best,

That's what I get - quickpar says that a repair is not needed but when winrar runs inside NBPro it gets the crc error message from one of the rar files. Another error message that comes up sometimes is that there is a missing rar file on the end of the sequence when quickpar says a repair is not needed.

As I said just run Winrar seperately and make sure the 'keep broken file' is checked and you will get the extracted file in a sub-folder
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Re: Hanging complete downloads

Postby Quade » Wed Mar 15, 2017 5:48 pm

That's what I get - quickpar says that a repair is not needed but when winrar runs inside NBPro it gets the crc error message from one of the rar files. Another error message that comes up sometimes is that there is a missing rar file on the end of the sequence when quickpar says a repair is not needed.

This happens if someone generates a PAR set over a bad RAR set. The download is fine but since the repair information is for pre-damaged files, the repair information doesn't help. It's repairing it right back to damaged state.

What you could do is try downloading just the individual bad RARs without the PARs and then use WinRAR to try to unrar them. It could be that the RAR set is being damaged by the PARS instead of the more typical repair. I have to say people posting damaged RAR sets with PARS that can only repair them back to their damaged state is somewhat rare but I've seen it numerous times.
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Re: Hanging complete downloads

Postby Calahan » Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:43 pm

To make it clear for my case:
All rar files were downloaded without error and were correct.
Winrar could unrar the complete package without errors.
No par2 files were needed, but all were downloaded.
No unpacking was done by Newsbin.

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Re: Hanging complete downloads

Postby Quade » Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:14 pm

No unpacking was done by Newsbin.

Clearly it's not the same thing then as the other person.

It is most likely a problem with the par engine.
Newsbin downloads all par2 files but it doesn't have to. It should extract the rar files. But it hangs doing nothing.

This symptom suggests the unRAR is repeatedly failing or that the PAR block counts never complete. The default action when something goes wrong is to continue to download pars in the hopes that something will work so the fact each PAR is downloaded doesn't mean much. The fact it downloads PARS every time the retry expires is just sort of a mechanical failsafe. It doesn't mean much beyond "something is wrong".

If it's happens once in a great while then you might chalk it up to random posting formats that Newsbin doesn't recognize. For example sometimes people posts one set of RARS spread over two sets of PARS so only one set of files is counted. Encrypted files without a password will have these symptoms too.

How often does it happen?
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Re: Hanging complete downloads

Postby Calahan » Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:43 am

Quade wrote:How often does it happen?

From time to time. Sometimes more sometimes less. It's hard to tell, why a hanging download hangs, because there is no error message, when the password is wrong.
Searched for the nzb file, because I wrote, I could send it with pm, but it seems I deleted it, by mistake, in the last three weeks.
So we can't reproduce this problem anymore.
The question is if you are interested to fix this, or as you wrote, it is a problem that Newsbin can't handle and that's it.
If that's the case, I will not bother you again.

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Re: Hanging complete downloads

Postby Quade » Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:12 pm

The question is if you are interested to fix this, or as you wrote, it is a problem that Newsbin can't handle and that's it.

The issue is whether this is just you or whether it's a general problem. If it mostly happens because your RAR password is wrong, I'm not seeing anything for me to fix. UnRAR failures are logged in the logging tab. They're not noted in the download. That might be something worth looking at.

Your issue with the zero byte files is worth looking at. I actually already looked at it. The fix just didn't fix it. Zero byte files are an odd ball thing you must admit. It falls under the "1%" thing but it seems fixable.
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