Pause or break up Header downloads? & ERROR

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Pause or break up Header downloads? & ERROR

Postby ppan » Wed Aug 24, 2016 11:09 pm

I am trying to download all headers from large groups, but something is wrong with the header download speed (binaries downloads fast) so it is takes a very long time.
I need to put the PC to sleep at night and would like to continue header download in the morning.

However, I am not able to pause header download!? I tried, and I got an error:

[18:57:15] ERROR Failed to clean data from Socket Should never happens

and header download stopped....

Is there some way to pause it, or alternatively, break up the download in chunks (e.g. in 10,000,000 headers at a time)?
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Re: Pause or break up Header downloads? & ERROR

Postby Quade » Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:00 am

If you delete the header downloads. They'll stop shortly. Then you just download headers normally when you restart. Just don't "Download all Headers" on the subsequent header downloads and it'll take off where it left off.
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Re: Pause or break up Header downloads? & ERROR

Postby ppan » Thu Aug 25, 2016 6:48 pm

Thanks! That seems to work. However, I keep getting errors so that I keep loosing the latest headers downloads:

e.g [14:43:24] ERROR NNTPServer: Compressed Headers - Connection Failed while reading Data:

Not sure if there is anything that can be done about it?
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Re: Pause or break up Header downloads? & ERROR

Postby Quade » Thu Aug 25, 2016 8:55 pm

It'll start where it left off so, you're probably still moving forward.

For whatever reason your connection is dropping out. If you're using security software, I'd make it ignore any connections from Newsbin to the server.
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Re: Pause or break up Header downloads? & ERROR

Postby ppan » Fri Aug 26, 2016 12:13 am

Quade wrote:It'll start where it left off so, you're probably still moving forward.

For whatever reason your connection is dropping out. If you're using security software, I'd make it ignore any connections from Newsbin to the server.

Actually, it seems that it the data for the current download is lost when it stops like this. However, If I hit delete, it is saved.
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Re: Pause or break up Header downloads? & ERROR

Postby Quade » Fri Aug 26, 2016 9:43 am

Actually, it seems that it the data for the current download is lost when it stops like this. However, If I hit delete, it is saved.

Header downloads are broken into blocks internally so, once they get to a certain point they're saved off and the next block is downloaded. So yes you can lose some if the headers you downloaded but it should continue moving forward.
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