I'll try changing the retries and see if that helps, but most of time chunks are missing is because the server hasn't finished receiving all the files. Lowering the retries will shorten the amount of time a download will wait for the server to finish receiving.
Quade wrote:I'll try changing the retries and see if that helps, but most of time chunks are missing is because the server hasn't finished receiving all the files. Lowering the retries will shorten the amount of time a download will wait for the server to finish receiving.
I'd leave it at two. Then if the server is still being fed, each time a new chunk that downloads on a retry resets the retry count. It'll continue to try while the chunks trickle in. Particularly if you download the very newest files and you know your news server is getting the file chunks delayed compared to say search or the NZB, you'll want it to try harder and longer.
I have ideas to improve this in the next major version. It's just too late for 6.62.
Check Assembly: Assemble Files Current files have been processed - ParChunks > nMissing chunks, assemble and lets pars take over:
Check Assembly: No Assembly Percent downloaded hasn't exceeded min threshold for repair:
Quade wrote:If you look in the logging tab do you see messages like:Check Assembly: Assemble Files Current files have been processed - ParChunks > nMissing chunks, assemble and lets pars take over:
orCheck Assembly: No Assembly Percent downloaded hasn't exceeded min threshold for repair:
Really any "Check Assembly:" messages
[22:15:52] DEBUG Current files have been processed - Retries have exceeded max retries
[22:15:52] DEBUG Check Assembly: Assembly Files still seem to be downloading so files won't auto-assemble
DEBUG Check Assembly: Assembly Files still seem to be downloading so files won't auto-assemble
[01:18:02] DEBUG Current files have been processed - ParChunks > nMissing chunks, assemble and lets pars take over
[01:18:05] DEBUG AutoPAR: ScanFile 32 BadFiles : [Download].r07
[01:18:05] DEBUG AutoPAR: Scan 32 Blocks File: [Download].R07
[01:18:06] DEBUG AutoPARPlugin: Not enough files or blocks to do anything yet
<repeat for all incomplete files>
[01:18:22] DEBUG Combining BAD Complete
[01:18:22] DEBUG PAR Repair: Processing with: a single core
<PARs loaded>
[01:18:22] DEBUG PAR Repair: There are a total of 834 data blocks.
[01:18:22] DEBUG PAR Repair: The total size of the data files is 1229973 bytes.
<Find damaged files>
[01:18:26] DEBUG PAR Repair: 2 file(s) are missing.
[01:18:26] DEBUG PAR Repair: 5 file(s) exist but are damaged.
[01:18:26] DEBUG PAR Repair: 21 file(s) are ok.
[01:18:26] DEBUG PAR Repair: Have Blocks:757 Need Blocks: 834
[01:18:26] DEBUG PAR Repair: Have 83 Repair Blocks
[01:18:26] DEBUG PAR Repair: Extra Repair Blocks: 6
[01:18:26] DEBUG PAR Repair: Repair Blocks: 77 used to repair.
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