NBP6.60B4163 - Sick Beard Integration Steps

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NBP6.60B4163 - Sick Beard Integration Steps

Postby Tanamur » Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:12 am

NBP6.60B4163 - Sick Beard (SB) Integration Options>Remote NZB Interface

Hi Forum - Sorry but I need a bit of spoon feeding here that I could not follow in the beta thread: viewtopic.php?f=44&t=37578

Currently I use the "Black Hole" method in SB and configure a NZB Watch Folder in Newsbin (NB). I understand NB will replace/act as SABnzbd which has NOT been installed on my configuration.

Current Default Setup - SB URL: http://localhost:8081/

-======SB Config>Search Settings======-
NZB Method: SABnzbd
SABnzbd URL: ??????
SABnzbd Username: N/A
SABnzbd Password: N/A
SABnzbd API Key: ??????
SABnzbd Category: tv

-======NB Options>Remote NZB Interface======-
Enable Remote NZB Integration: ticked box
Username: N/A
Password: N/A
API Key: ??????
TCP Port: ??????
UnRAR Folder: drive:\SickBeard Downloads
Remote Address: http://localhost:????/

N/A - Not Applicable assuming no username/password.
????? - Port used and API Key generated obtained from where?
localhost - Assumes both SB & NB running on same machine.

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