6.6 not saving config in Win 10

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6.6 not saving config in Win 10

Postby ddaniel51 » Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:03 am

Upgraded a cloned ssd to Win 10, cleaned the registry of leftovers, upgraded to 6.60 final and still get "Cannot write config make sure file is not read only".

The nbi is not read only and I can save it manually from the menu. It just won't save when exiting NB. Registry pointers to NBI are correct.

NB and nbi is in C:\programfiles\newsbin, all downloads and dbs are on a separate ssd N:\newsbin, and final files and unrars go to a NAS.

Guess I could toss the nbi on N: and point the registry there for it to see if Win's treatment of things on C: are a cause.

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Re: 6.6 not saving config in Win 10

Postby Quade » Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:58 am

NB and nbi is in C:\programfiles\newsbin, a

Putting the NBI into program files is always wrong. "Program Files" is designed to be read-only to the running user to prevent viruses from writing over the EXE's located there. You really need to re-locate it to some other folder. Ideally with the other data files.
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Re: 6.6 not saving config in Win 10

Postby ddaniel51 » Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:37 am

I must be getting old (67) and forgetful. Didn't even dawn on me since I had it working that way with Win 7. Anyhow, I had already moved it to the data drive last night and changed the registry to reflect the new location. Working smoothly now.


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Re: 6.6 not saving config in Win 10

Postby Quade » Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:10 am

I mean, it's possible to force it to work. It's just not particularly safe.
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