I just recently upgrade to 6.55 from 6.5x (some release from early 2014) and noticed an issue with NZBPATH in downloads for zipped nzbs.
I have set my options as seen below:
Main Download Folder = X:\downloads\$(NZBPATH)\$(NZBFILE)\
Download folder for NZB downloads = X:\downloads\$(NZBPATH)\$(NZBFILE)\ (checkbox ticked)
Watch folder set to = C:\temp\nzb_autoload\
If I put a abc.nzb into the watch subdirectory of c:\temp\nzb_autoload\category1, the file is correctly downloaded to x:\downloads\category1\abc. However, if I put a zipped nzb (abc.zip) into the same watch subfolder, it gets downloaded to X:\downloads\temp\abc. Was there a change to this for zipped nzbs?