Searches done on my local headers

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Searches done on my local headers

Postby eclapwannabe » Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:35 pm

This only happens in the "Search Tab"

Is there a reset button, choice, screen that I can choose when searching for post by posters. (From Field)

Evidently no one understood what I was asking last time I broached this subject.

When I search for Poster "A" I get the results I need. I get all the post associated with that poster "a"
But when I try to search for Poster B NBP seems to lock in on Poster "A". The only way I can search for a New Poster is to shut down NBP and then I can search for Poster "B". There has to be a reset somewhere that I can press or pull down menu option that will reset and let me do a "new search".

2. NBP lets me pre-assigned folders for downloaded content under the Newsgroup Tab. When I choose to
download under the "Search Tab" it always opens up to the default folder. Is theree a way to download the search results post to a different folder? I could temporary assign a different folder as the default folder but that gets to be a PIA.

Please give me some help. I am trying to figure this out but I am stuck

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Re: Searches done on my local headers

Postby Quade » Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:39 am

I just searched locally for 3 different posters in a topic. One right after the other from the same topic.

I didn't have to do anything special. If you try to do this over all groups, it's probably that it's not done when you try the other posters. If you notice the progress bar, if it's still up, that means it's still searching.

Search doesn't have its own download path. You could move all the results into a custom list, then assign a path to the custom list. You could also use a watch list to keep an eye open for these posters during header download so, you don't actually have to do a poster search, they just automatically get routed to their own custom lists.

In 6.60 custom lists get full support for download and unrar paths per watch item.
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Re: Searches done on my local headers

Postby eclapwannabe » Tue Nov 25, 2014 7:32 am

Thank You Quade for your response

I have finally got it to work but It is still a little clunky. I clear the newsgroup from the group category
and I change from field to subject field and change local field to internet then I clear the search entry field.
It then lets me search for a new poster.

# 2. Question. Watch would work great for "Updated post headers" But most of what I download are from older post. When I encounter a new newsgroup I really don't know which poster is agreeable to my needs.

I know I approach the Usenet from an older mentality. It seems as though most users are grabbing the "new" stuff where all the shortcuts and watch list and NZB files work to their advantage. They are not concerned with "headers" anyway. NZB is an across the board tool. That is the reason I left one Newsserver and join another because their claims of retention never met with reality. I finally found a Newserver that has about 95-98% retention but they carry a limited amount of newsgroups.

If you are recording current stuff you know what the file name will be and you really do not care what group it is in. You just let the search service find the NZB file and away you go. I track headers and it is a little more intensive.

Hey but that what makes Usenet fun. I have invested so much time and knowledge that I find it daunting to try the other Internet tricks. Ex. tor limewire and what ever else is out there. Thank heavens I finally invested in a great Newsreader where most of the work is done for me. I still know how to do things the Old Fashion way. I know I am further along in the curve than most people.

Thanks once again for your great service.
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