by noguaranteeofsanity » Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:27 am
I haven't made any changes to my system recently, don't have a firewall/anti-virus on this machine and I had thought the downloads were corrupt because manually running par repair and extract outside of newsbin wasn't working, but I just checked and that now works. If I run quickpar outside of newsbin and then open newsbin, it is able to extract the files as well. This was also with files that appeared to be complete and newsbin showed they had downloaded correctly without any missing parts, but still wasn't able to extract them. Although a couple did have a missing nfo, which quickpar was able to fix, but newsbin didn't seem to be able to.
Might also be unrelated, but the last rar part seemed to produce the unrar error, although that might be just because it was the last file processed.
I was getting a lot of errors including bad yenc decode and failed par repair, but generally the problem seems to be a little better today and a few files are actually downloading as normal, with far fewer errors.
I am on newsdemon and you might be right that is the problem, or I have some corruption problem with my system because SABnzbd was able to grab the files without error from the same server on a linux box.