After upgrading to the latest 651 a day or 2 ago, My dropdown boxes are now blank... [Min Size] [Max Size] [Age] only list "None".
The [Filters] [Display Age] and [Display Settings] are all OK.
Meanwhile, inside the Filter Properties options, the two [* * Size] dropdowns both only list "None" but [Crosspost] and [Age] are OK.
Previously with 641/642, I only had this problem with my recently manually typed [Filter] dropdown which was always blank and didn't remember. That stopped working a few weeks after I installed it so it did initially work.
Checking the release notes, I've noticed a new option so I've even tried adding [Sizes] to the .nbi:
I've been using Windows 8.1x64 and have just done the 8.1 upgrade a few hours ago. Hmm, Let me try compatibility mode as Win7... nope. Vista didn't work either.
I've now just tried reinstalling 651x32 rather than x64. Nope. I'll go back to 642...
*** Hmm, the previous version download links for 641 642 download the same file, its 642.
*** Also, was 651 released March 2013 or 2014? verify the main download page.
Ok, 642 works... except like before for the recent manually typed [Filters] dropdown which never worked.
640 works except again the recently manually typed [Filters] dropdown.
Back with 651, dropdowns are broken again.
Ok... Hmm.. removed DJI registry, removed newsbin directory... fixed!!!... hhmm... restore directory?.. broken again... hmm... remove .nbi/restore DJI registry... still bad, restore .nbi remove Workspace.xml, broken restore .xml remove "guiitems.db3"
*** Ok so end of everything, GuiItems.db3 died for me in 2012 after I registered this thing.
And now my recent filter searches dropdown also works too.