Environment: W7 Pro, 64 bit. NB650 update interval set to 60 minutes. News comes from NewsHosting.com
Observations (seen multiple times):
When the download of headers occurs, for most postings, all headers are found, allowing download. For some postings,
not all headers are available (post is still arriving at server), and so post is marked incomplete, and obviously can't be downloaded.
If at a later time, either automatically, or by me clicking the "Download latest updates" icon, new headers are downloaded
and new postings are shown in the screen, but sometimes, the postings that are missing headers, never gets them.
Retrying "Download latest updates" does not help.
How do I know they are on the server? I do the following:
- 1) Open up group, select all posts and Shift-Delete, close group tab
2) On Groups List tab, select group, and "PostStorage->DeleteStoredPosts"
3) Open up group (Show Posts), there are zero posts.
4) On Groups List tab, select group, and "DownloadSpecial->Download-xxx Older Posts"
5) Usually the missing headers have now been found, and the post can be downloaded
This does not happen every time, I see it every few days, but then I only care if it affects a post I want , which is probably
less that 2% of stuff that flies by.
It seems to behave as if it picks a "anything after this time+day or after some internal post number" is the new stuff to
be downloaded, and anything older is ignored. If it picks this value wrong, then a bunch of headers wont be downloaded.
Note, when this occurs, the "DownloadSpecial->Download-xxx Older Posts" doesn't help if there are still posts in the
group, as it goes back to posts before the oldest in the group (hence steps 1 and 2 above)
Ideally I would like this bug fixed (unless this is not a bug and there is something I am missing) , but I would also
like to suggest 3 additions to the DownloadSpecial menu:
A) A way to enter the number rather than select from the 5 fixed options for older posts
B) A way to specify "get all headers after Date+time"
C) New entries: Reload xxxx most recent headers
Thanks for a great program!