Quade wrote:I think I just missed it.
Hit the + icon and look for files that are still "downloading". You can right click these and "Assemble Incompletes" if you think you have enough data to repair. If Newsbin didn't do this automatically, typically it means it didn't think there were enough pars but, it's not 100% right all the time.
I'm usually very specific about what I want however in these last few downloads I've needed to just grab a few thousand articles to see what comes up. Alot of the stuff left over has corresponding GOOD data downloaded. It just seems to have left the par files behind even though the DLs looked good. I'm also seeing a lot (several hundred) of thin purple starting bars but then stopped and paused but with no errors. I'm wondering if these have been posted as articles with Par files after and that the main files are downloading ok but the parfiles are being left behind because Newsbin doesn't see then as associated with the original files.
There are literally hundreds and hundreds though. I also have detect duplicates turned off so wonder if these maybe the par files of duplicates.
I'll take a look at the end of the project and see if theres anything of value left. If not I'll manually delete them.
btw is there a way to open all the +s at once?