Today, after tagging a file to download (83 parts of a 8.8G file), I headed for the sunny trails and beaches. Upon return I found the file had stopped downloading but had not assembled. This, in part, was due to missing several bits (red) of many of the parts.
The program had not initiated any recovery (pars), so I did so myself- right-clicking and assembling incompletes after downloading one fairly large par file. After a bit, NB completed the recovery and delivered to me a complete file.
Now, I know that may times the poster fails in some little bit to do the right thing and NB gets confused; I have no problem with that; you guys have a marvelous program here and nit-picking it to death because of silly posters will probably get me booted back to a 9600 Baud modem.
A few times before, this has happened so I manually ran quickpar only to discover that NB was surreptitiously doing the same, so that I ended up with two completed files.
My question is this: Since NB will dig in and do its stuff, auto-par and all (most of the time), how does it tell me it is doing so? Are there any indications NB gives?
I launched task manager (Win7) and watched it work under the Applications tab, but NB showed it was using 191,124k of memory and only 01 to 02 in the CPU column while idle, and this didn't change at all while it quickpar'd and unrar'd this 8.8 gig file. (Dang. Forgot about the Performance Tab - didn't go to watch it spike).
Is it possible that I'm missing something? Or is it in the works to have a little blinking light telling us it's working on the file and that I should just sit my butt back down and wait?
Note: Under AutoPAR Options, only the Disable , Send Pars to Wish List, and Delete RAR.. to Recycle are unchecked. Under Performance, High, and the four boxes are unchecked. Whitebox AMD-6100 Six-Core Processor, 3.3GHz, 16Gb Ram, Win7-64