I am using 6.42: 00 62 8A 87 5C 36 . When I do an internet search I only get exactly 2000 returned posts. I know htere are more because I can see them in a normal local search. What stupid thing am I doing wrong? How can I display more found posts? 2000 is just too round of a number for it not to be a setting somewhere that I cannot find.
You are correct in that you can only get a fixed amount per request. However, if you want to get more then there is a button for getting the next set of posts
It you use a more detailed search string, a size filter and maybe restrict it to only looking in the groups that might have the content, you'll probably get better results.
I have searched all over the screen for a "More" button and I can't find one anywhere. Right clicks, left clicks, icons etc. Where is it supposed to be? I did limit the size and that worked quite well. I still would like to find the "more" button. Thanks
If you dwell over the buttons, the tell you what they do. "Load Older files into the list" is what the popup says. I'm using 6.50 so, it's hard to tell you where the button is. It has an arrow pointing to the left.