Paused downloads wont

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Paused downloads wont

Postby xeddog » Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:37 pm

My Newsbin is downloading headers and I have quite a few files queued for download. I have 5 files that are quite large and wanted to pause them so some of the smaller groups could download first. Looking at "Downloading Files" in the lower part of the screen, I selected the 5 files and clicked the pause button. The icon at the front of the selected files list changed to a pause icon, but they are still downloading and won't pause. Nothing but the icon has changed. Is there something else I need to do?


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Re: Paused downloads wont

Postby itimpi » Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:06 pm

What makes you think they are still downloading?

Note that any chunks/parts already downloading will run to completion - it is just the starting of new chunks that are affected by the Pause option so you may notice a small delay in the pause taking effect.
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Re: Paused downloads wont

Postby Quade » Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:46 pm

Pause won't stop an unrar or repair in progress. Regular pause always pauses for me. The one case it might seem to not pause is if you get way behind during the download and there's a bunch of disk data in memory waiting to get processed.

You know, you can move the small files above the large ones to change the order too.
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Re: Paused downloads wont

Postby xeddog » Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:37 pm

Thanks for the replies.

I say they are still downloading because the byte counts for them keep incrementing, even after an hour or two. Plus, the other downloads that are waiting keep waiting and show size of 0/0. I have tried moving the active downloads to the bottom, pausing them, and removing them from the download list, but once they start downloading nothing else will. Even after removing them from the download list nothing else will start. I'm not sure if downloading headers is different than other types of files, but it doesn't seem to me like it should be. But once it starts downloading one of the groups that has TONS of headers (one of them is showing about 160 million :lol: ) it just won't stop until it is done.

And I know that I am downloading probably way more than I need to (OK, WAAAAAAY more than I need to and no "probably" about it), but the machine I am doing this on is a backup to my backup machine and I have the time and bandwidth to accomodate it.

And I probably should have mentioned that this is a Windwos 7 32-bit machine with a dual core processor. All of my other machines are linux.

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Re: Paused downloads wont

Postby itimpi » Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:09 pm

It sounds as if there is something funny happening on your machine then! That is not the behaviour I see. Also if I move things up the download list they take over the downloads almost immediately as expected.

What does the figure in the status line show for the cache? Any items that are cached in memory and still need writing to disk can cause part of the symptoms you describe in that the totals for amount downloaded only get incremented in the GUI when the writes to disk actually happen. However I would not expect disk writes to back up for any significant length of time (i.e. more than minutes even in a worst case).
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Re: Paused downloads wont

Postby xeddog » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:36 pm

Initially, with the large groups downloading, it shows "Cache: 95/100", or "Cache:95/100 (1)".

If I highlight the five that show as downloading and pause them, it doesn't change because they don't pause. The statistic in the status line at the bottom of the screen that shows the download speed remains basically unchanged varying from between 5.6 to about 6.2 Mbps, and the number of bytes downloaded for the five that are supposed to be paused keeps incrementing. The status that is displayed for the individual file will remain as "Downloading" as well, and the Cache doesn't change either.

If I remove the five from the download list I start getting error messages like
Code: Select all
ERROR NNTPSocket - NS Connect (server name) Error talking to server (humongously long nzb name)"

Eventually the download/upload speeds in the status line will drop to zero, but the Cache remains 95/100. Once in a while I will see one, or maybe two of the waiting groups start to download, but usually it just goes idle. I removed them from the download list about 15 minutes ago and right now I see ONE download that is proceeding.



My newsbin version shows as Newsbin Pro 6.42 Build 2146. I have a 20Mbps internet connection and a unlimited usenet provider with 20 connections, but only using 5 of the connections for this newsbin.
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Re: Paused downloads wont

Postby Quade » Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:38 pm

if I highlight the five that show as downloading and pause them, it doesn't change because they don't pause.

You know, a header download can't be paused or interrupted. I suspect you're tying to do something with the header download, all of your connections are being used by header downloads so, there are no connections left to download files. That's the only thing that seems to explain this.

You can delete header downloads to free up connections. Then when you update again, they'll continue where they left off (as long as you don't do a "download all headers" which resets the header download).
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Re: Paused downloads wont

Postby xeddog » Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:08 pm

Quade wrote:
if I highlight the five that show as downloading and pause them, it doesn't change because they don't pause.

You know, a header download can't be paused or interrupted. I suspect you're tying to do something with the header download, all of your connections are being used by header downloads so, there are no connections left to download files. That's the only thing that seems to explain this.

You can delete header downloads to free up connections. Then when you update again, they'll continue where they left off (as long as you don't do a "download all headers" which resets the header download).

Yes, I was downloading headers. I was suspecting that there was something different about downloading headers as opposed to downloading normal files. The problem was, even if I deleted all of the header downloads nothing else would start.

I hate to say this, but it has become moot. I thought I was running this on a 500MB disk so I would have had plenty of room. But I realized late last night that I was on an 80GB disk and there was only about 3GB of free space left. So for the time being, I have removed Newsbin Pro from that machine until I re-install Windows on a bigger disk. I think I have a 1.5TB around here somewhere . . . What a brain fart!

Thanks anyway,

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Re: Paused downloads wont

Postby Quade » Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:14 pm

You can install Newsbin on a small drive and have all the downloads and data go to the large one. Where the files and data goes is decently flexible, you just need to edit the configuration file with WordPad and tell it you want the data folder on the larger drive.
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Re: Paused downloads wont

Postby xeddog » Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:55 pm

Quade wrote:You can install Newsbin on a small drive and have all the downloads and data go to the large one. Where the files and data goes is decently flexible, you just need to edit the configuration file with WordPad and tell it you want the data folder on the larger drive.

I understand that, but my current drive is an oldie and a slowie. The only reason I am still using it at all is because it is a tertiary backup for all of my wifes genealogy research with scanned documents and photos, etc. It's an 80GB IDE drive that I bought when an 80GB drive was absolutely HUGE and no one thought anyone could ever possibly use that much space. Besides, I have 300GB drive just sitting around collecting dust so maybe it's time to see about Windows 8 anyway. :-)


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