UnRar Path problem

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

UnRar Path problem

Postby sunishun » Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:24 pm

Installed 6.42RC1. Had trouble with the .42 betas so had 6.41RC1 going and unraring as I expected to \Downloads\media\newsbin\$(FILENAME)\
resulting in the directory:


with samples going to


Selected files for download after updating to 6.42RC1. All samples go to a folder which appears to be named after the first filename selected in a multiple file download. It looks like the final files unrar to the directory named after the first file and not directories named after the filename(s).

For example, I selected three television program files and they all unrared to one directory:

<bla bla bla violates the rules bla bla>

Do I need to add another switch to get them in their own folders like in version 6.41RC1?
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Re: UnRar Path problem

Postby Quade » Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:50 am

Selected files for download after updating to 6.42RC1.All samples go to a folder which appears to be named after the first filename selected in a multiple file download . It looks like the final files unrar to the directory named after the first file and not directories named after the filename(s).

Yeah, that's the default for 6.42 and forward into the future.


If you add this to the configuration file, it'll do the evaluation of filename "per subject" instead of using the first subject in a selected block.

I suggest making a backup copy of the configuration file before editing. The "Open Datafolder" button in the options should take you to the folder where the config is located (unless you moved it). The default name is "Newsbin.nbi".

Don't post what you're downloading. Examples don't even have to be close to real filenames. If they look real I delete them.
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Re: UnRar Path problem

Postby sunishun » Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:03 pm

Thank you. That's just what I needed.

I apologize for posting those file names.
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