[SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

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[SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby club54 » Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:51 am

I upgrade from 6.?? to "6.41B4: 00 48 8E 95 EF CC" last week because of rumours of a 'spam filter. And now my subscription search only checks the last 2/3 days.

Filter = none. I thought it was a server problem but now I've got another copy of NB without the paid search (6.??) and it still works fine. For an example, I used the name of the 'four mop-heads from Liverpool' which maxed out on the earlier version and only 26 from the new one.

I confess I tweaked the SETUP options during last week's DOS spam attack and trimmed the download age to 1 day to ease the pain of 4 servers downloading headers in a "multi" group.

Is there some 'search db3 I can flush to get my retention back?
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby DThor » Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:12 am

Search is local or Internet? Internet only retrieves 2000 at a time, you can request the next 2000 hits. Local - I'm not sure why. When you say no filters, 'none' doesn't actually mean that - global still applies. Be sure to completely turn off filters. Also, depends on how far back your spools on disk are being stored. This is set in options.

V6 Troubleshooting FAQ . V6 docs. Usenet info at Usenet Tools. Thanks!
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby Quade » Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:31 am

1 - Search obeys the global filter. Make sure you're not filtering things out with global

2 - "Download Age" isn't used after the first time you visit a group.

3 - "Storage Age" will impact local search, if you have "Storage Age" set to 3 days then all posts older than 3 days will get purged.

4 - As D says, 2000 hits is the initial max response on I-search and the next button will pull more.
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby club54 » Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:52 pm

Thanks, you're both right. I got flustered after the massive spam push last week and set the global to 2 days. I had been hitting 'lockout poster(s) and it was really slowing down my machine so Unlocked all. 2 days worth was all I felt like browsing for recent adds since the "agents of destruction" constantly generate new poster id's (and posted BIG files).

Global means Global ... I get it now.

??? I now sometimes get [Search Warning] popup "Maximum size must be larger then(sp) Minimum size to search" The Global size limits and the minimum/maximum search drop-downs are all NONE.

I get around it by saying 50k vs 30G (internet search). Is there another way, so I don't miss small .nfo or .sfv files

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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby Quade » Wed Dec 19, 2012 12:22 am

I saw this with someone else and the problem turned out to be connectivity and the error was misleading. Thought I fixed that for 6.41RC1.

I'll have to check it again. I don't believe the issue is sizes but, instead problems connecting to the search server.
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby lerch870 » Sat Dec 22, 2012 12:35 pm

I just upgraded to 6.41RC1 did one search and the next one says, "Maximum size must be larger then Minimum size to search" spelling is wrong for then. Should be than. Regardless, my search is broken. Any advice?
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby Quade » Sat Dec 22, 2012 5:31 pm

Do downloads works? Often upgrades require you to tell your firewall to let Newsbin out over again. How about the message of the day?
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby DeadSerious » Thu Dec 27, 2012 3:02 pm

Having the same issue as lerch870. Downloads are working fine. So is MOTD.
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby Quade » Thu Dec 27, 2012 3:23 pm

How about explaining it in more detail. Does it happen every time? Some of the time? We've not getting alot of these reports. Maybe 5 so far so, we're trying to quantify it.

Wonder what would happen if you told your V scanner/Firewall to simply ignore Newsbin?
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby DeadSerious » Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:44 pm

For me, it's intermittent, and it's only been happening with RC1. I haven't noticed any pattern yet as to when it happens. I'll keep experimenting, and see what I can come up with.
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby mkrubsack » Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:15 pm

Quade wrote:4 - As D says, 2000 hits is the initial max response on I-search and the next button will pull more.

I tried to do this, but am confused as how it actually works.

I put in a specific search phrase in quotes and hit the magnifying glass icon, and the result was 2000 hits. Do I hit the magnifying glass again, or the arrow to load older files, or just hit <Enter> to get the next 2000? If I keep pulling in more hits, will search eventually show a final number less than 2000 which would be the end of the search...or does it cycle around to the beginning?

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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby Quade » Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:19 pm

or the arrow to load older files,

this one. Hitting enter again just repeats the previous search. Your idea about using the enter key again to do this might be worth exploring though.
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby mkrubsack » Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:41 pm

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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby lealoc » Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:08 pm

lerch870 wrote:I just upgraded to 6.41RC1 did one search and the next one says, "Maximum size must be larger then Minimum size to search" spelling is wrong for then. Should be than. Regardless, my search is broken. Any advice?

I'm still on 6.41B4 Build 2120 and am unable to search with the same error. Whether min and max are set to "none" or extreme values, makes no difference. Filters cleared or set, still get the error :(
EDIT: Just tried a local search and it seemed to complete, albeit with no results. I changed only "Local" to "Internet" and set the search off again, got the error after a few seconds.
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby Quade » Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:12 pm

It has nothing to do with the min/max size. For some reason Newsbin isn't able to contact our search server. I was just working on this today. A DNS error for example will show this problem.

Look at the rest of the logs after the error for additional error messages.
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby lealoc » Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:32 pm

Quade wrote:It has nothing to do with the min/max size. For some reason Newsbin isn't able to contact our search server. I was just working on this today. A DNS error for example will show this problem.

Look at the rest of the logs after the error for additional error messages.

Yes, you're right. My bad and apologies for any time wasted.

I reset my firewall to learning mode and it hadn't asked for permission to enable Newsbin Internet access and therefore blocked it by default. The min/max error is a red herring it seems.

Thanks for replying.
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby Quade » Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:45 pm

No, it's my bad for not anticipating this error mode.

It'll be fixed in the next beta. The error message will tell you the real reason.
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby clefranc » Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:10 am

I'm having the same "Maximum size..." issue, since the RC1 update (I think), all the time. Downloads are fine, so MOTD.

I've deactivated my firewall with no luck. Flushed my DNS cache.

Here the NewBin log:
[22:57:09] ERROR - Error: SSL Negotiation Failed, Host: is.newsbin.com Error: SSL Connection Failed: 5 Error 0 L’opération a réussi.

So am I missing a config somewhere?
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby Quade » Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:41 am

We don't know why some people are having connection problems. The server isn't heavily loaded or anything. Dex and I will check on it as soon as he gets back.
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby etete » Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:15 pm

As for the "maximum size must be larger than minimum size to search" failure notice -- I have determined for me it is a Windows7 firewall issue. Would anyone be willing to advise on the proper steps for setting up an exception rule. Using the Win7 firewall prompts in "Windows Firewall and Advanced Security" I created an "Inbound Rule" rule to "allow" Newsbin in all "profiles" and make action apply for "all connections". Is this too broad and/or should I also add any outbound rule?

Any details on properly setting this up would be much appreciated.

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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby lealoc » Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:59 pm

etete wrote:As for the "maximum size must be larger than minimum size to search" failure notice -- I have determined for me it is a Windows7 firewall issue. Would anyone be willing to advise on the proper steps for setting up an exception rule. Using the Win7 firewall prompts in "Windows Firewall and Advanced Security" I created an "Inbound Rule" rule to "allow" Newsbin in all "profiles" and make action apply for "all connections". Is this too broad and/or should I also add any outbound rule?

Any details on properly setting this up would be much appreciated.

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I'm using Win7 64bit and Newsbin 6.41B4, but the free COMODO firewall rather than Windows version. Since setting Newsbin to be allowed full Internet access, the error has gone away for me. You need to set an outbound rule for Newsbin, but I can't help with the settings.
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby etete » Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:01 pm

lealoc wrote:You need to set an outbound rule for Newsbin

Appreciate the reply!

Just setting the inbound rule has cured my search issue. I'm just wary that I may be opening the system up too much with what I feel is liberal permissioning.

You do provide food-for-thought though with the mention of Comodo. Haven't researched it yet but I do know quite often many 3rd party free utilities can surpass the efforts of Microsoft's, will do some due-diligence to see the worthiness of such an "upgrade".
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby lealoc » Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:14 pm

COMODO is pretty good for a freebie and has a comprehensive set of features. The reason I use it is because it comes top or very near in tests at the following site:
http://www.matousec.com/projects/proactive-security-challenge/results.php - I've been using this site for a few years to choose which firewall to use.

As long as you're careful with the rules and enabling the oddball ports correctly for apps like Newsbin, you should be fine. :)
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby etete » Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:55 pm

Thanks for the follow-up lealoc! Will definitely check that link.

Update on the search issue -- I just tried the search again and received once more the min/max error noted previously. Think I have it figured out now. The reason I initially didn't get it after adjusting the firewall rules was the fact I didn't have any downloads in progress. I just now queued a couple downloads, tried a search and what do you know, error! I got to thinking and remembered one change I made recently when, for whatever reason (server, internet, etc.), my download speed was halved so I incrementally bumped my simultaneous connections in Newsbin preferences up to 30. It was sometime after this I began to notice the search errors. I ran extensive tests with the firewall exception rule removed and have verified I can be at 30 and search will work if there are no current downloads in progress. With downloads in progress I have to scale back the total number of connections to 20 or fewer. Seems there is simply too much data being sent and received for whichever is the weak link in the system.
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby clefranc » Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:22 pm

Quade wrote:We don't know why some people are having connection problems. The server isn't heavily loaded or anything. Dex and I will check on it as soon as he gets back.

So, any development?
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby Quade » Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:50 pm

We still don't know. The post above yours suggests the problem is that the network is busy with downloading so, the connection times out. Might be worth pausing the download, then trying some searches with the download paused. If that works then maybe I need to increase the timeout or you should reduce the number of download connections to leave room for search to work.
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby clefranc » Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:05 pm

It was the antivirus, updated to the latest version solved the issue.
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby etete » Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:51 am

One month follow-up:
Just wanted to note that in my particular case I have verified, with much use since, the observation in my previous post still holds true. For me the search error is wholly related to the number of server connections and whether or not downloads are currently in progress. 24 or fewer connections while downloading at 20Mbps (full available bandwidth) allows for successful search function. More than 24 connections and search function is only successful while no (or throttled) downloading is in progress. -Cheers!
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Re: [SEARCH] only goes back 3 days

Postby Quade » Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:46 am

I did discover a problem and it is fixed in the latest RC. So, yes connections do matter but, there really was a problem too.
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