Search issues

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Search issues

Postby bonalymac » Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:49 am

I was having problems doing some searches using 6.40 2057 (I'm searching on Giganews).

Basically I was trying to find classical music from several composer/artists, and I knew that the results I was getting (no hits) were wrong. Did a bit of testing and discovered that if I search, then apply a filter, then close the prog and retstart, that filter setting is not cleared, though the menu bar says it is

I started by Internet searching for Bizet. (For me) this throws up 1767 results. If I filter to 1 month, I'm reduced to 1 hit. This is all basically what I'd expect to see.

If I then close the prog and restart. (I think this also happens in some other circumstances without closing, but I haven't narrowed it down yet).

The search tab appears as expected with no values set. If I now search for Vengerov, I get a single hit. I was initially doing this with 7 days and getting zero results, but I knew Vengerov was on Giganews listings so I knew the search results were not correct.

If I set the Age Filter (the only one I'd set before) to None, and re-search I still get that single 1 hit. However if I reset Min size (which hadn't been used on the previous search) to none and re-search, I now get 101 results.

As I say I think this may also be happening without exiting, but I cannot replicate the fault at the moment.

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Re: Search issues

Postby Quade » Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:42 am

I noted this bug in a post already.

If you set it to 6 months, search, then "None" and search, it resets the age back to "all".

Dex and I are working on a fix.
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Re: Search issues

Postby bonalymac » Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:59 am

Thanks. Sorry I didn't spot the other post. I did have a look!
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Re: Search issues

Postby Quade » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:02 am

It's no problem and thanks for the report. I'm just a little annoyed I let this through.
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Re: Search issues

Postby bonalymac » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:18 am

Just proves you're human after all!
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