Search status-is it searching, or not?

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Search status-is it searching, or not?

Postby Ace » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:00 am

Is there any way to tell if a Newsbin search is still in progress or not?

If I search the headers of a small group the search results can pop up right away, if there are matches. If there are no matches, it's hard to tell if it's still searching or not, but I usually assume after a short time that there were no matches if the group was small.

The problem is in larger groups where you search a few hundred million headers. That can take a while even if there are matches. But when the screen is blank, how do I tell if it's still searching, or if the search is finished and there were no matches?

For example, when I run a search in Windows XP, when the search is in progress there is an icon for "stop" visible, and when the search finishes, I can tell because the "stop" icon changes to "search". I'm not asking for Newsbin to to copy windows (although I wouldn't complain if it did in this respect), but is there any way to tell if a Newsbin search is still in progress or not? If so, I need a pointer to find it, and if not, can I make it a feature request to provide some kind of indication when the search is finished, especially if the search results are blank (no matches)?
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Re: Search status-is it searching, or not?

Postby Quade » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:42 am

How are you talking about search from a search tab or "Finding" from a loaded post list?

If you're talking about "finding", I go get what you're saying. I agree, a long find doesn't have a viewable progress or begin/end state.

Pretty sure it did at one point. Let me think about it how I might implement it again.
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Re: Search status-is it searching, or not?

Postby Ace » Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:23 pm

Sorry if I wasn't clear. Yes, you got it, it's finding from a list of loaded headers.

Thanks for giving it some thought, it would be a helpful feature to bring back.

When the "find" results are blank, I want to type in a different term and try again, but I can't really tell when it's time to do that since I don't know when it's done. So letting us know when it's done would be very helpful. Thanks.
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