I had the disk containing the folder I was using as my destination (unrar) folder fail yesterday. Newsbin is on my C drive, and the destination folder was on my G drive. After G crashed, I started Newsbin and received the following dialog box: "error failed to find or create the download folder no files can be downloaded until this is fixed by either changing to a valid download folder or creating a folder to hold the downloads" After clicking 'ok,' Newsbin started and I changed the unrar folder to the C drive, then closed and reopened Newsbin only to get the same error.
The reader seems to be downloading the parts, but not to the folder on C that I specified, ie., they go into my C:\ ...\documents\ folder instead of C:\...\documents\my videos, and if I try to unrar them using newsbin, I get a message saying that it can't find the parts.
I think I may have to reinstall Newsbin, but am not sure how to go about it, and will the error go away if I do.