I'm not sure how other people would do it, but for me, my script is smart enough to know what to do without any extra parameters since it's written specifically for my downloads folder. As long as the script gets kicked off after each nzb is downloaded, extracted, and rars are all cleaned up, it would work great for me.
My script kicks off a very smart fully automatic command-line newreader-friendly TV/movie renamer:
http://forums.sagetv.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58024...which identifies and renames any TV show(s) or movie(s) in a given folder/subfolders recursively. It will even rename the folders rar extracted folders containing each media file. The renamer also recognizes bluray/dvd image directories, and renames only the root folder of the movie image. After the renamer is done, in my script, there' a general media file that gets kicked off for my media center software to import the files.
In fact, I already have this script working for me. However, I have to rely on my directory monitoring software; which kicks off this same script when it detects there are new media files in the downloads folder that aren't in use. Unfortunately, my directory monitoring tool sometimes kicks off the script too soon (during the newbin un-raring process in the .tmp directory).
By having newsbin kick off the script instead of my directory monitoring tool, it would know exactly when the files are all extracted and rar files are cleaned up/deleted.
start-scan.cmd (renamer tool is java based). Media scan is envoked through a web-interface.
- Code: Links not allowed for unregistered users
REM next couple of lines of code is used to prevent multiple instances of Renamer
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq java.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "java.exe">NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto END
C:\Progra~2\COMMAN~1\phoenix-renamer.exe --renameDirectories --renameArtifacts E:\Downloads
C:\PROGRA~2\COMMAN~1\wget.exe --tries=3 --directory-prefix="C:\PROGRA~2\Command line" --no-check-certificate "https://mkanet:password@localhost:8090/sage/GlobalCommand?command=UpdateMediaLibrary"
del "C:\PROGRA~2\Command line\GlobalCommand*.*"