I made the mistake of upgrading from v5 to v6 and while I'm sure it offers a lot of improvements over v6, it's not for me; but I'm trying to cope and see if there's anything that's improved for me... in the meantime, can someone tell me how to make the program autopar every file? I don't know what this new v6 'feature' is but half my downloads are sticking with 'Retry: 25 Next Retry: 259 0%: completed' The first two numbers change but the file always says 0% completed.
It says 0% completed on so many binaries, but the expanded list shows everything downloaded? I don't understand the issue but it's frustrating!
I threw grabit on my system to get a few of the downloads I need but I'd like to keep trying to evaluate this new v6 so any help would be appreciated.