Stange behavior of subjects

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Stange behavior of subjects

Postby dane » Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:37 am

Hi - upgraded to 6.31 build 1858 and I see peculiar behavior in the subject field of some items. Parts of listings show the word "Deleted" in the subject field. When I click on them, this is replace by random characters - click again and it's back to "Deleted."
(I've taken screenshots, but don't know how to attach them to a posting). Other items in the list appear normally.

I've tried deleting the db3 file and reloading the group, but with the same results.

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Re: Stange behavior of subjects

Postby Quade » Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:03 am

What's you display and storage age set to? You always want storage age to be larger than display age.

I've never seen this before though.
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Re: Stange behavior of subjects

Postby dane » Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:59 pm

Thanks for your response - display age is 2 days, storage age is 400. Do you think that's too long? It seems to happen to both hi- and lo-volume groups. If images would be helpful, I have screenshots.

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Re: Stange behavior of subjects

Postby Quade » Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:42 am

What it's telling you is that records are getting deleted. So, that the information needed to display the data is no longer there. It's a very strange problem. My display age is 60 and storage age is 1500 so, your values aren't out of range or anything.

I'm wondering if the date on your PC is wrong. Purging the groups is all date range stuff so, if your PC doesn't have the correct date, things might be getting purged that you don't expect.
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Re: Stange behavior of subjects

Postby dane » Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:06 am

Hi Quade - checked the date - it's right. The strange thing is the data isn't being deleted. I chose one of the "deleted" entries and clicked on "read post body." Here's the file header:

<Delete by Quade>

So these entries seem to have substance to them, but perhaps something which keeps them from being displayed properly??? Could it be a character set problem????

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Re: Stange behavior of subjects

Postby Quade » Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:37 am

Tell me more about your PC. Maybe it's a timing problem of some kind.
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Re: Stange behavior of subjects

Postby dane » Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:31 am

Hi Quade

I'm running windows 7 (service pack 1) on an intel 3 ghz processor with 2 gb of memory. The partition that NB is running in has 200 gb of free space. What other info might be relevant?

Previously, I was running NB 6.0 without incident. Upgraded to 6.1 (I think) and had trouble with default filters being properly assigned; retreated to 6.0. When I upgraded to 6.31 - no trouble with filters, but have had trouble with the headers.

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Re: Stange behavior of subjects

Postby DThor » Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:39 am

You're really not running much memory for a win 7 system. I seriously doubt it's related to this issue, but if you reboot the system, don't do anything else but fire up newsbin and load a not-too-huge group - do you still see it? You don't have much headroom there.

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Re: Stange behavior of subjects

Postby alexander038 » Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:26 pm

I thought it was a problem of the headers on the servers but i have above problem as well also with internet search for headers in newsbin,
a lot of deleted entries but when i click on them and do a read post body or normal download the files are there complete with proper name.
(It looks like i see this problem only when browsing in display settings>show filenames mode).

My display, storage and download age are 5000 days for all, have this on both my pc's (one vista 32bit laptop and a win7 64bit i5 8gb ram desktop)

Ps: when i click on a "deleted" named header delete will be replaced to some weird signs.

Show filenames mode:

When i click on them:

When i do a display settings>none it shows all header info except the part(filename) between the quotes.

Edit: the deleted problem is with +- 3-9% of the headers when i load a whole group.
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Re: Stange behavior of subjects

Postby dane » Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:16 am

Thanks dTHor for responding. Booted to safe mode with networking and fired-up NB - loaded a small group and, unfortunately had the same problem. I'll consider upgrading my memory anyway.

Alexander038 - sorry to hear that you have the same problem - though a little happy that I'm not the only one. Yes, those screen captures look exactly like what's happening to me (I couldn't figure out how to include the images though).

Can someone give me a strategy for being able to completely uninstall NB and then do a fresh Install of 6.31 without losing all my settings, old headers and registration info? Perhaps it's just a problem with the state of my install prior to upgrading that was brought to light by the upgrade. Least that's what I'm thinking at the moment.

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Re: Stange behavior of subjects

Postby DThor » Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:28 am

In all honesty, this looks more to me like a system problem rather than a corrupt install of newsbin. I seriously doubt that a complete wipe and reinstall of newsbin will get you anything different than simply reinstalling, but to answer your question, this section of the help details how to move an installation to a new system, which is essentially what you want to retain the settings. ... r_computer

I'm still leaning towards a font or video driver problem, though. I'd try updating your video drivers if there's one out there. If you do decide to go to the trouble of wiping the install, what I would do while I'm there is to just do a clean install without bringing over the old configuration, just do a quick setup and see if you still see the problem with a fresh configuration.

V6 Troubleshooting FAQ . V6 docs. Usenet info at Usenet Tools. Thanks!
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Re: Stange behavior of subjects

Postby Quade » Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:59 am

I'm leaning toward a timing problem in Newsbin. Or something like a notification that gets missed internally. Since it doesn't happen here, the problem will be reproducing it.
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Re: Stange behavior of subjects

Postby dane » Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:16 pm

Thanks fellas - I'll try to find a video driver update - that's plausible as well as simple. Tried switching fonts (kept my fingers crossed) on the assumption that just 'cause one font was corrupt shouldn't mean that all of them are - no luck - same problem. I'll save the clean install suggestion 'til all else fails.

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Re: Stange behavior of subjects

Postby doug4knfpu » Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:59 pm

thanks you all, everyone was helpful to figuring out


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