Header capacity

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Header capacity

Postby tammerlane » Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:19 pm

Hi. I've used newsbinpro for several years. Very happy with it. I use v6 and keep pretty current when new versions are available. I've only encountered this problem recently. Sometimes I use nzb download sites, and sometimes I download group headers. Nzb's work fine. I started noticing that my downloads weren't working properly. Problem1 - The download tab was reporting in excess of 1200 days, while the group tab showed 800 days - for the same files. I have tried several times to adjust the age of pulled headers, and I have been unable to keep the age under 1000 days. Most pulled headers seem old - I get few newer headers. I don't know if my sttings are incorrect or Newsbinpro is ignoring my settings. I've even reset to default - no change. Problem 2 - I recently got an error that the program drive was full. I thought at first that Newsbinpro was referring to my downloads. No it meant my windows drive (I keep downloads on D: drive). In excess of 15 Gb of headers. Huh ?!?!?! is that possible? It filled up my C: drive with a quickness - hours. Because of the timing, I have to wonder if the problems are related. I would like to keep header age to under 1000 days preferably 800. Downloading from nzb's is kind of mechanical and I really enjoy sifting tru a group. I run Win7Ult on a HP G51 laptop, with 2.2 Gh proc, and 3 Gb ram. I use GigaNews Vyper VPN and use them for news groups, as well as SuperNews. I have used SuperNews for some time, and these problems occurred after I added GigaNews (with Vyper VPN). I not sold on GigaNews, but I like the idea of VPN. Any suggestions how I can tame this header problem? Thanx, tammerlane.
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Re: Header capacity

Postby Quade » Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:50 pm

1 - I have about 140 gigs worth of header. I'm not even cataloging the largest group. This is just 1300 days worth of about 200 groups AND it's compressed on disk. Top 5 groups (which aren't the largest) contain about 100 gigs worth.

2 - "Storage Age" controls how many days worth it keeps around.

3 - If you run out of disk space during header download, you might only have the older files stored.

4 - "Download Age" only applies when your reset the group or delete the range.db3 for that group.

I'm not really getting what your issue is but, I suspect it's #4, trying to change the download age when the group has already got data in it. Or #3, running out of disk space.
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Re: Header capacity

Postby tammerlane » Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:01 pm

Hi Quade. Hmm ... My issue? Wow
I have about 140 gigs worth of header. I'm not even cataloging the largest group. This is just 1300 days worth of about 200 groups AND it's compressed on disk. Top 5 groups (which aren't the largest) contain about 100 gigs worth.
Color me stupid. I can remember 5 Gig max. for headers. I guess boneless will fill up a hard drive. OK. That problem is solved. Just relocate the data folder to a bigger drive. Thank you. I guess the other problem is - what are the settings to get Headers from today to 800 days. Many times the headers after 800 days have completion problems and seem to be older than their reported date. Both SuperNews and GigaNews state high retention rates that I cant seem to get. Thanx, tammerlane.
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Re: Header capacity

Postby Quade » Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:51 pm

Set the "Download Age" to 800, delete the range.db3 for that group.

Usenet works oldest to newest so, if you "download all", it'll start off with the oldest records and work forward.

There was never a 5 gig limit that I remember.
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Re: Header capacity

Postby tammerlane » Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:16 am

Thanx for your help. I will update my settings. My reference to a 5 Gb max meant that the last time I checked it used about that much. I just hadn't considered the increase in header storage capacity required by much longer retention and much larger group capacities these days. Previously it was possible to designate a folder for Newsbin data, as well as a download folder. I have not seen that available in a long time. My C: drive is a partition about 40 Gb. of a 250 Gb. Drive. Would I be better off repartitioning my C: drive and making it larger? If so, do you have a suggested size? Thanx, tammerlane.
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Re: Header capacity

Postby itimpi » Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:33 am

You can still specify a location for Newsbin data files, but it is not done via the Newsbin GUI. Details on how to do it are in the Advanced Usage section of the Newsbin Use Guide.
The Newsbin Online documentation
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Re: Header capacity

Postby Quade » Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:38 am

I've been thinking about writing a utility to move the data folder for you. maybe build it into Newsbin. The issue is how long it might take to move 100 gigs around.
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Re: Header capacity

Postby tammerlane » Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:14 pm

Thanx very much for your help. NewsbinPro is a fine program and you give out GREAT support, often answering forum posts within an hour. Worth every penny I paid. I realize now I should download headers from fewer groups at one time. tammerlane, a happy customer.
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