Repair files paused

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Repair files paused

Postby mp50 » Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:33 am

V6 has a great new look, but I still have to find my way around it. (I used in V5 the PAR window a lot for progress-view, but can´t find it in V6.)

My issue is, when a download has repair files (VOL1+8.par etc.) these files are automatic in Pause status. Why and how to fix?
- when I manually reset it to ´>´ continue download these files downloads
- I have to use (right-button menu) Autopar, Start Quickpar, change to Autorepair, Ok
- Then all parts are in, but are still in retry and 0 % completed.
- UNrar (right-button menu) tells me: Quick Unrar: filename not found(?)

In V5 this was a fully automated process, so it must be something slly like an option setting?
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Re: Repair files paused

Postby itimpi » Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:29 am

In v6 PAR2 files are queued to the Download list in paused state (except for the smallest which is unpaused) as you noticed.

As long as you have not disabled the AutoPar facility in Newsbin then the PAR2 files will be automatically unpaused if needed for repair so you should not normally have to do anything. Unrar is also automatic unless if you turned that off.

If you are having to do manual steps in normal operation then this is not what is meant to happen. In this case it will be worth looking further to see why you are seeing this behavior.
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Re: Repair files paused

Postby Quade » Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:59 am

When you look in the files list, do any of the files actually download? Do they appear on disk? It's sounds like there's some basic downloading problem that needs to be solved first. That's what the "Filename no found" error suggests.
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Re: Repair files paused

Postby mp50 » Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:32 am

Thanks itimpi for looking at it.

Correct, You are right some downloads succeeded and are in their destination directory, fine! But others I cannot explain.
I try to add a screenshot to it (what a fuzz to insert a print-screen :oops: )

You see some paused repair files, and some fully downloaded sets. All still waiting in retry-mode for .....0 % completed.
Download speed is at 0 kbps/0 kbps as if all the work has finished.
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Re: Repair files paused

Postby itimpi » Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:21 am

Nothing obviously wrong in your screen shot (BTW As you posted this to a public forum it is a good idea to blur out the titles of what you are downloading if you do not want everyone to know)

What your screen shot does not show is the top of the list to see if the AutoPar functionality is working its way through the list. It is quite likely that if you have a high-speed download link you can download faster than autopar can process the files. The autpoar process only works on one file set at a time. While autopar is running on a file set you will see a yellow proress bar if it is doing a repair, and a bright green one if it is unpacking the file set, and the status column will give progress through the autopar stage.

You should ignore the "0% completed" information in the Status column and the fact that the progress bar is empty on the entries you showed. When a download has finished the current Newsbin release seems to clear the progress bar start putting information about retries into the Status columns. However I do not think these have anything to do with the download, but are simply happening because the file has not been checked/repaired/unrared.

I much prefered the older behaviour where the progress bar and number of files downloaded/in progress for a set stayed visible. I am hoping Quade can go back to something like that in a future release.
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Re: Repair files paused

Postby Quade » Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:13 pm

I am hoping Quade can go back to something like that in a future release.

Yeah, thinking about how I might change that.

What I see from the now deleted image is that you have a bunch of par2's at the top of the list. PAR2's themselves are sort of useless if the files associated with the PAR2's aren't also downloaded. Other than PAR2 files, do you have regular files downloading? When the par2 set is added like this, it downloads one, then pauses waiting for the actual files associated with the PAR set to download. Then as the actual files download, the PAR is used to track them and then eventually it'll do a repair or delete itself then all the files downloaded.
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Re: Repair files paused

Postby mp50 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:49 am

Thanks for your support Itimpi & Quade,

Itimpi: The screendump was shifted down to show some paused items. To my knowledge Autopar is ON: The install is defaulted and the Autopar options are: Autopar disable: blank - Unrar automatic: marked - Deleted Rars and pars after succesful: marked - Disable automatic PAR resume: blank (I had to translate, because my install is Dutch)

Quade: I am familiar with the rar-par-repair construction. And there are sets which are normally processed/unrars.

As both of you see no issues on my screens, I have deleted the download list (was imported from V5), to start from scratch and see what happens.
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Re: Repair files paused

Postby itimpi » Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:53 am

If you are trying to clear things up you want to delete the downloads.db3 file and the autopar2.b3 file from your Newsbin DATA folder (while Newsbin is not running) in case one of them has internal corruption. On restarting Newsbin new empty files will be created. Note that doing so will lose any list contents so choose the right moment to do this.
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Re: Repair files paused

Postby mp50 » Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:28 pm

So far, so good! :)
( and looking for a nice moment to get rid of the db3 )
Thanks guys (or ... :roll: )
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