features not working in latest version

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features not working in latest version

Postby alad26 » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:33 pm

Im running the latest beta 6.21RC1 and some of the features seem to have stopped working. In particular with multipart files:

1) the progress bar isnt showing anymore - used to have a nice purple bar creeping across, now just blank white, so the only way i can tell it's finished downloading is by looking at the size column. Actually if I expand a multipart in the download list each part has a yellow bar showing progress - it's just the main bar next to the file name that doesnt show.

2) par & rar has stopped running automatically. This feature was previously working. Now in the status column i get "Repair failed/needs more pars 0%:completed" even though all the par files have been downloaded (actually when i start a download this is what it first says in this column and it doesnt change after the download completes). The size column shows either (say) 509/520 or 546/546, so whether all the parts are there or not the files just sit there. This is very annoying as previously i could leave NB running and when i came back all the downloaded files were complete and ready to play. RIght clicking and selecting the par and unrar options manually works and then the downloads are removed from the download list.

Ive tried re-installing NB and also changing most of the settings to "default", but nothing cures the above - any ideas? (I'm running W7 64 and installed the 64b version of NB)
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Re: features not working in latest version

Postby Quade » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:19 pm

Sounds like your downloads aren't really working at all. What kind of errors do you see in the logging tab? I'm going to guess that you're getting either a bunch of 430 or connection timeout errors. 430 errors are the server saying "Don't have that part of the file" and connection timeout errors are typically caused by Avast or Kaspersky (and some other firewalls) messing with the data.

I've noticed in 6.2 that when the program is getting nothing but errors from the server the main progress bar doesn't actually show anything. I've fixed that for 6.3 (bar goes red) but, for 6.2 you have to expand, look at the blocks and check the logging tab. Maybe your "orange" is really red? What color do you have the server set to? Maybe set it to blue so it's easier to distinguish red errors from valid "blue" (once you change the color) blocks that represent working downloads.

Did anything change? For example did you change server tier with your news server? People buy "Pearl" accounts on giganews for instance and don't notice that it only works for files under 30 days old.
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Re: features not working in latest version

Postby alad26 » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:57 am

Dont seem to have any problems actually downloading the files (when they are complete) - just rarring and parring.This morning i downloaded 6 full files (each with multi parts) and they all completed perfectly, including all the pars - under "current progress" blank for the main file, but full yellow for the individual parts. But then they just sat there with "repair failed need more pars" - however, manually parring and rarring works fine.

Im using yellow for server and orange for backup server, but i only get yellow and a few bits of green in the download bar for individual pieces - I very rarely see orange show up. I sometimes get a red bar but that is almost always for a text message.

I havent changed anything on my server - still using Newshosting unlimited downloads, with Grabit as a backup. I have a 50m cable connection which is pretty much stable at that figure with no drop outs.

Logging file only shows article <nnn.... then on the next line the same number preceded by 220 0
[08:42:14] HIGH NNTPSocket - ARTICLE <1323750849.25809.6@eu.news.astraweb.com>
[08:42:14] HIGH NNTPSocket - 220 0 <1323750849.25809.6@eu.news.astraweb.com>

The only other messages are: SSL Zlib compression added; XFeature Compress GZIP;290 Feature enabled; XOver followed by a number sequence;and 224 XOver information follows (Compress=GZip), so not showing any failures as far as i can see. Failed downloads shows (0)
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Re: features not working in latest version

Postby itimpi » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:28 am

The Newsbin AutoPar uses the following colors in the progress bar:
- Yellow = repair in progress
- Green = Decode in progress.
You should therefore probably avoid using yellow or green for a server unless you use\ a very different hue to the ones used for above purposes. Red should be avoided because that is used to indicate an error during download.
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Re: features not working in latest version

Postby Quade » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:15 am

I've seen reports that if you add from the wish or failed list to the download list, it won't always show progress on the main progress bar. Wonder if that could be this? I've not managed to catch it failing.
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Re: features not working in latest version

Postby alad26 » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:46 am

Thanks guys for all your suggestions. In the end ive reverted back to 6.11: 00 3E DA 79 47 26 and everythinbg works fine again - purple download bar, auto par and auto rar all functioning. Whether it is a problem with 6.2 or a clash between 6.2 and something ive got going on i dont know. I'll wait for the next update and try again then and give you some feedback if you want it.

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Re: features not working in latest version

Postby Desfarges » Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:07 am

Same behaviour with 6.21 and 6.3 B1 and B2, nearly all my multipar download show repair failed and when i click on it to choose the option autopar->Unrar/join Files, it works. I didn't have this behaviour with these version last week maybe a glitch in my download list.

Revert back to 6.11, newsbin seems to do the job automatically now

Maybe one of me download has stuck the software, i don t know. When the 6.11 finish completing all my multipart file, i will go back to 6.21
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Re: features not working in latest version

Postby Desfarges » Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:40 am

It works fine with 6.11, with 6.2 and after with mutlipart download (i ve 3 different servers configured), newsbin seems to try to unrar the file before all rar files have been downloaded, so it return the error "repair failed need more pars", it download all RAR files and all par2 file and doesn't try any repair (not needed most of the time) or unar/join file, and if i try to manually unrar it works fine.
If i go back to 6.11, it process all my download list and repair/unrar automaticcaly without a problem.
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Re: features not working in latest version

Postby Quade » Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:27 pm

Might want to exit Newsbin and delete "Autopar2.db3". It sounds like it might be damaged.
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Re: features not working in latest version

Postby Desfarges » Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:38 am

Thank you, it worked after the deletion of the autopar2.db3 file
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Re: features not working in latest version

Postby roywax » Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:56 am


I have been seeing the same issue with muti-part files.

Always Repair Failed or UnRar failed.

Tried to delete the db3 file, didnt help.

Should i Install an older version?

Also, i get these errors:

[15:57:32] ERROR - CFileIOWorker: Unable to Write to SpoolIO (????) [105/116] -
[15:57:33] ERROR - AutoPARPlugin: UnRAR failed: jjQl0NHmEkLtar154IEsvQ==
[15:57:33] ERROR - AutoPARPlugin: Autopar Block Counts Indicate good files but, UnRAR FAILED: No UnRAR:
[15:58:08] ERROR - SSL Read Failed: 0 The operation completed successfully.
[15:58:08] ERROR NNTPSocket - SendCommand Worker - Server:news-europe.giganews.comSendCommand - failed to Read Response From server: Socket - Read From Server Failed
[15:58:08] ERROR NNTPSocket - Socket HandleError - Server: news-europe.giganews.com SendCommand - Server Disabled Service on connection:

Is this normal?

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Re: features not working in latest version

Postby Quade » Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:30 am

5:57:32] ERROR - CFileIOWorker: Unable to Write to SpoolIO (????) [105/116] -
[15:57:33] ERROR - AutoPARPlugin: UnRAR failed: jjQl0NHmEkLtar154IEsvQ==
[15:57:33] ERROR - AutoPARPlugin: Autopar Block Counts Indicate good files but, UnRAR FAILED: No UnRAR

This suggests it's having a hard time writing to disk. Sure you're not short on disk space? You're just writing files to a normal internal disk? No virtual machines or NAS's or anything like that? The autopar2.db3 is barely used any more. I moved all the processing inside so, it's unlikely a bad autopar will cause problems ever again.

Specifically the last two lines mean that Newsbin has looked at the RAR files and that AutoPAR using the PARs say the files are all 100% correct but, then when it tries to unrar these supposedly perfect files, the unrar fails for some reason.

How deep is the unrar path? Might want to download and unrar to "C:\DL\" and see if the symptoms change.
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