I changed Usenet Providers and want to update from old headers forward. I am continually limited to 119,999,900 headers with the initial DL. I have to repeatedly DL "special 10,000,000 older posts" but multimedia maxes out at about 400 - 500 days. Through your demo search I have seen over 800 days or more on the server.
I deleted everything in the spool before starting DL from new provider and I reselected all interested groups from new server.
DL Age, Display Age, and Storage Age are all set to 1260 (more than Server provides).
Now, a confession:
I have loaded Newsbin program, spool and parameter files on a separate drive - not C or operating system drive. The only file on drive C is "GuiItems.db3."
Is there something I should be doing? Is this because I am using a 32 bit XP?