I'm trying to upgrade from 5.59 build 9826 to 6.21. Using XP.
The installer connects to the internet and begins downloading Newsbinpro.exe. It stops 95-98% of the way through and I"m told that the download has failed due to time out issue.
Installer details are:
Output folder: C:\Program Files\NewsBin
Output folder: C:\Program Files\NewsBin
Create folder: C:\DOCUME~1\Keith\LOCALS~1\Temp\nsq3AD.tmp\NBProgFiles
Downloading newsbinpro.exe...
Copy failed
Now, when I try to open 5.59, I get the message:
"Attempted and unsupported operaiton" and "encountered and improper argument"
I've searched but can't seem to find a solution on the boards.