Because of the continuing memory-related issues with the 32 bit version, I decided to switch to Windows 7 x64.
So the question is how much memory I should put into my new system. Is the usual 16 GB enough or there are advantages in using 24 GB or 32 GB?
Is there a limit newsbin can use?
If not, is there a practical limit newsbin never exceeds with current group volumes?
Perhaps with 32 GB I can load more days of headers (all the headers), more groups simultaneously, or put more files to the download list, etc.?
But perhaps whatever I load I still will not get anywhere close to 16 GB?
In that case there is no need to have more memory than 16 GB and perhaps risk reduced stability.
Is there any real advantage using registered and/or ecc memory?
My intention is to use 16 GB of non-registered non-ecc memory.
Unless advised differently.