Selection Sort in the download list:
- Working better than ever in fact. You select a block of files in the download list, hit the sort column and only the selected block will sort.
Better Spam filters:
- Don't want to reveal too much but, I've expanded on the encrypted rar filters. You can filter out DRM'd WMV files even if they're in a RAR file. You'll be able to filter MKV files by audio and sub language (though I haven't figured out what the GUI will look like yet). You can filter out encrypted rars or allow encrypted rars and filter out only when an encrypted rar is inside another rar. This is going to keep expanding as I add new file formats to examine.
Failed file Feedback:
- Another fix, the expanded failure for SPAM means I need to improve reporting in the post and failed list. The posts list now persistently turn red on error and list the same error as the failed list.
Built in Scheduler:
- Yeah, at long last.
Proxy support:
-Socks4, Socks5 and HTTPS with password. Currently this is "per server" meaning if you have 4 servers you can use 4 different proxies with the server. The HTTPS proxy is probably the neatest. Good chance you can get out of a corporate firewall with that. Supports "Proxy Authenticate" too so, you can add you access password.
- Reset the display from within Newsbin without losing your custom shortcuts
- Load a backup NBI file from it's encrypted backup.
- Disabling autopar makes it follow standard renaming mode for PAR files.
Some "want to get in there's" are:
- Allow custom sort on the groups list.
- Delete individual items within a set in the download list.
- PC shutdown when download and unrar completes (haven't researched this one yet).
Crapload of bug fixes and suggestions implemented. I already think 6.2 is better than 6.11. I don't think the first 6.2 beta is too far off. Probably within the next couple days.