V6 issues

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V6 issues

Postby lmcmann » Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:25 am

I've tried running through 6.01B6 and they all seem the same.

First off (yes, this is minor, but I used it in V5 constantly), is there a way to see how much data you're selecting to DL like there was in V5? In the bottom status bar, when you selected a bunch of files to pull, it told you how big that selection was. I can't find how to turn that on in 6. I never realized how much I used that until it was gone. I've looked through the menus and tried searching here in the forums, no luck.

Next, when I've selected a collection of files to DL, I sometimes need to re-dl a single file out of that set. I'm having issues with my internet link and NB will get a corrupted file when there is actually a good one on the server. I can't figure out how to expand the list in the DL tab, then grab one file out of it. NB refuses to get it again. If it's an id10t error, please let me know how I can do so.

Next, autopar status. I've seen a bunch of posts about this and I'd like to chime in. I'm going to re-read the instructions on it, but I don't like how it's operating. Too hard to see what it's doing. Also, I've had many times where it simply didn't grab pars when it needed to, or fix things when there was enough data there. I'll end up with a DL set with a single bad file, have 5 or 6 pars available to grab and nothing happens. Sometimes when I try and use a ctrl-y on a par file, it refuses to dl it.

I'm not complaining about your efforts, I've been a loyal user since 2.x. I love NB. Thanks for making a totally awesome program.

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Re: V6 issues

Postby DThor » Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:42 am

Select the files, look at the bottom right, next to the speed limit/pause status displays, that gives info on what you've selected. It's not instantaneous.

V6 Troubleshooting FAQ . V6 docs. Usenet info at Usenet Tools. Thanks!
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Re: V6 issues

Postby Quade » Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:01 pm

Click the plus sign to expand the set, select the one file and hit "Ctrl-Y" to force it to download. You might want to delete the bad one first though.
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Re: V6 issues

Postby lmcmann » Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:38 pm

I've tried expanding it with the plus and selecting it alone. I also tried to move a single rar in the expanded list up the DL list. It wouldn't let me do that either. That's actually what prompted my post, when it insisted on DLing the whole set again without letting me delete files I didn't want or move the files around in order to get the ones I needed first.

EDIT: I just tried it again on a new set. I expand the plus, select any file in the list and try ctrl-up, ctrl-home, right click, move up and move to top. Nothing happens.

I do see on the right where it adds the files up for you - Duh, my bad. Thanks for pointing that out.
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Re: V6 issues

Postby lmcmann » Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:23 pm

So in tinkering some more, the behavior I was expecting (moving file download order around however I want) works if you select all the files individually initially and not as a set. I guess I'll just ask for it to work in sets as an enhancement going forward. It looks like it might monkey with autopar a bit as well, I'm going to play and see what does what.

Oh, and for some reason the MOTD doesn't get displayed when the program starts, even though it's selected to. Eh.

Thanks for the quick responses.

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Re: V6 issues

Postby itimpi » Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:37 pm

lmcmann wrote:Oh, and for some reason the MOTD doesn't get displayed when the program starts, even though it's selected to. Eh.

This is now expected behaviour :). As a result of many requests, The MOTD is now only displayed when it changes. If you want to look at older MOTD use the option on the Newsbin Help menu.
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Re: V6 issues

Postby lmcmann » Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:51 pm

Quade wrote:Click the plus sign to expand the set, select the one file and hit "Ctrl-Y" to force it to download. You might want to delete the bad one first though.

So I just tried this on a file that has already been downloaded, but is corrupted. I want to DL it again, and pressing everything does nothing. Ctrl-Y doesn't work. Shift Ctrl y, retry download, etc. It just ignores all imput.
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Re: V6 issues

Postby Quade » Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:59 pm

Where are you doing this? When I load an NZB or a post list, I can expand the items and download them individually. Things already in the download list aren't going to move around because they're already there. In that case, you could move it to the wish list, delete the partial file, then move it back (the whole set) with a Ctrl-Y and it should check the other files and re-download the one.
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Re: V6 issues

Postby lmcmann » Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:51 pm

I see. I'm used to being able to move things around in the download list as well. No worries. I'll try moving it to the wish list and back after deleting the bad file.

After tinkering for a few if I do most of the work in the nzb list pane, I can make it do what I need to. I'm just used to 5.x, where I can do it all from the DL pane. Sorry to bother you.

In this case, I had a file that died. I forced a DL from the nzb pane (shift-ctrl-y) and it started DLing the file again, picking up where the one in the grouped file list left off and completed it successfully. The status of the bad file in the grouped list didn't change - it doesn't know that the file was completed. Not a problem, just an fyi. It'll be interesting to see what autopar does.

Thanks for taking the time to answer me.

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Re: V6 issues

Postby lmcmann » Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:41 pm

Autopar had no idea that it was completed. In fact, I had to force 4 par files to complete the set, and even after attempting to repair them, it failed. It never tried to grab pars on it's own. Running Quickpar fixed the files. Autopar is awesome when it works, it's just a bit fragile. Which makes sense given how many conditions it's trying to handle.

Thanks, Larry
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