I have noted auto unRAR paths that are longer than MAX_PATH (260 characters for a file and 248 characters for a diectory) that result in "UnRAR Failed" status. Interestingly, I have also noted auto unRAR paths that are not longer than MAX_PATH, though close, that also result in "UnRAR Railed" status. Below is an example of the latter with an indication of a similar example of the former.
I'm using version: 6.01B5: 00 BB F1 9C 56 20
Here's an example for a typical download & UnRAR path I might use: H:\!_AstraWeb\2011-08-17\ThumperX\
34 character; does not seem excessively long as a start point.
Here's an example of an UnRAR path v6.01B5 might create that seems OK, but does not unRAR successfully:
H:\!_AstraWeb\2011-08-17\ThumperX\=============Flower Is The Skunk=====================\=============Flower Is The Skunk=====================_part001_rar\=============Flower Is The Skunk=====================\=============Flower Is The Skunk=====================.pdf
Close to the limit, but not at or over. However, I might still receive the "UnRAR Failed" error and if I "manually" unRAR this set with the same path above, but without the "=============Flower Is The Skunk=====================_part001_rar" directory, unRAR is sucessful.
An example of clearly over the limit would be with
"=============Not only is Flower the skunk, but Thumber is the Bunny Rabbit===============" in place of
"=============Flower Is The Skunk=====================" -- each subdirectory is longer so the full auto unRAR path is way over MAX_PATH.
Would you consider shortening the automatically created UnRAR path so there are fewer subdirectories and/or shorter full paths?
Thanks, Fred.