by RayMark » Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:57 pm
I have never tried to download with V6.0 headers of a group that contains a large number of very small posts before.
But now I deliberately tried a picture group with a large number of headers (> 8,000,000) with 6.0.1 beta 3:
Downloading from giganews
Frankly, I had no patience to finish downloading those headers, but it looks like this:
- downloading for a few seconds with low (2%-4% or so) CPU usage
- and than stalls at 0 speed for a long long time with 25% CPU usage (with a quad-core CPU = 100% with a single core)
- and that repeats again, a short burst of downloading and a long long pause.
99.99% of the time speed is 0 and CPU usage is 25-26% - it is almost impossible to catch the moment when it is not 0.
It seems that the headers are downloaded zipped in some chunks.
I also tried to disable XFeatures - still the same picture.
I did not try the background mode yet. Perhaps it is good for such groups, not sure, maybe worth trying.
Perhaps I just chose a really large group and I should not have expectations to download headers quickly.
But it is pretty demoralizing - 0 speed and high CPU usage all the time, and no progress to speak of.
I think, with V5 the header download was much more continuous.
With multimedia groups things look very differently - a steady progress and almost never 0 speed pauses.
Anyway, no big deal as I did not even try such groups with v6.0 until now, but interesting if a smoother/faster(?) header downloading can be achieved with some lines in ini file, etc.
Probably it is more important the overall required time, not smoothness.
Interesting if the background mode is slower of faster? Probably it should be even slower.