by Harrie45 » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:47 pm
When I right-click on the first row and choose: "Read Post Body" the message is opened with my default text editor, that happens to be Notepad+.
So far so good.
When I right-click on the second row and choose "Read Post Body", Notepad+ detects this as the original opened file being overwritten and I get a box (Notepad+):
D:\NewsBinPro\Data\Read Posts\Re_ATTN_bolognium(NMR@192)-_Annie_-toobadthisposterissuchadope.txt
This file has been modified by another program.
Do you want to reload it? <YES><NO>
What I would expect is a new child window of the multiple document interface of Notepad+. As far as I remember this was the case with version 5.
Apparently the SAME file name is used in "Read Posts" for 2 different posts. The auto-generated file name should include more than the subject. (e.g. post date)
Hope this helps.